More rain and sharp drop in temperatures in these areas

The models used by the Meteorology Statal Agency (AEMET) They predicted a warmer and drier month of June than usual, but so far this month several fronts have crossed the Peninsula, leaving heavy rains and hail in some areas. This instability will remain in Spain for a few more days. In fact, during the next week several fronts will cross the country and will lower maximum temperatures in many areas.

In this way, tomorrow, Monday, the result of a trough formed in the Atlantic Ocean A new front will reach Spain from the northwest. According to the AEMET forecast, in Galicia, the western Cantabrian Sea and part of the Northern plateau will have cloudy or overcast skies, with areas of Galicia and Asturias in which there will be abundant rainfall and occasionally accompanied by locally strong storms. Throughout the day, these storms can affect areas of the northwest of Castilla y León and the west of Cantabria. Precipitation may extend, less likely and intensely, to the east and south.

On the Mediterranean slopes it will dawn with intervals of low clouds, without ruling out the arrival of precipitation throughout the morning on the southern coast of Catalonia. In the interior of Catalonia and Aragon. Evolution clouds will form, with the possibility of dry storms, which could be accompanied by showers in the Pyrenees and in the eastern part of the Peninsula. In the Canary Islands, the skies will not be spared either, with intervals of low clouds in the northern area of ​​Tenerife and Las Palmas.

Temperatures will tend to increase in most of the country, except in the west of Galicia – where strong winds are also expected – and on the southeastern coasts where they will decrease slightly, as well as the minimum temperatures in the southeast and in the Balearic Islands. 34 degrees can be reached in the Guadalquivir and the middle Ebro. Probability of haze in the eastern Mediterranean area.

On Tuesday, the situation will remain similar. In the northwest half, there will be widespread rainfall from DANA, which will be more abundant and stormy in Galicia, the Cantabrian area and will extend to the west of the Northern plateau and the Central system. The most persistent rains may occur in Lugo and Asturias, but they will spread in a weaker and more dispersed way. from west to east towards the northern plateau, Extremadura and upper Ebro, as well as the western Pyrenees.

The further east and south of the Peninsula, the lower the probability of showers.

In the afternoon, evolution clouds will form in the Pyrenees area, with the possibility of a local storm. These storms, but dry, can also occur – like the previous day – in areas of the center and south of Aragon and the province of Lleida.

In the rest of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands the skies will be slightly cloudy, although with some low clouds early in the day in the Gulf of Cadiz. The haze will continue to be present on the coasts of the eastern façade and in the Balearic archipelago. In the Canary Islands, the situation will be similar to that of Monday, although the clouds in the northern area of ​​the islands with greater relief may cause some precipitation, although it will be weak and isolated.

With the advance of DANA, maximum temperatures will drop in much of the country, except in the Mediterranean area and the Canary Islands, where thermometers will continue to rise. The greatest drops in minimum temperatures will occur in the western Peninsula, especially in Galicia, although in the rest they will tend to be higher, especially in the northeast of the Peninsula and in Mallorca.

Forecast for Wednesday

During the day on Wednesday a new DANA will approach from the west-northwest and will once again bring clouds and rain to the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Precipitation will be widespread in the afternoon in the northern and western halves of the country, as well as in some interior areas of the southeast. As in the previous days, the greatest intensity of rainfall will occur in the north of Galicia, the Cantabrian area and the Pyrenees area, becoming locally strong or persistent in areas of the western Pyrenees. In a weaker and more dispersed form, rainfall is not ruled out in other areas, although it is very unlikely in Alborán and central eastern Andalusia. In the Canary Islands, low clouds will continue in the northern part of the islands with scattered weak rainfall in the mountainous areas and little cloudiness in the rest.

This new front thermometers will plummet in the interior of the peninsula and will also lower temperatures in the rest of the country.

What will the weather be like on Thursday?

DANA will continue to affect a large part of the country on Thursday, with cloudy skies in the northern half, with probable widespread rainfall, which will be more intense in the Cantabrian Sea and, accompanied by storms, in the northeast. The rains could also affect areas further south or the Balearic Islands. In Andalusia and the Alborán area they are not expected or are very unlikely. Few changes in the Canary Islands. Temperatures will continue to decrease in the eastern peninsula and in the archipelagos, while there will be slight rises in the western half.

In this way, although with uncertainty, AEMET announces that Friday will be the day in which stability could return after the passage of DANA and temperatures will begin to recover in almost the entire country, especially in areas of the peninsular interior.

Thus, the day will begin with a predominance of slightly cloudy skies and without precipitation in much of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. In the north of the peninsula there will continue to be cloudy skies or with intervals and some possibility of precipitation, generally weak, more likely, intense and accompanied by storms in the eastern end of the Cantabrian Sea and the Pyrenees.