Do you have these last names and are you from Asturias? If so, you are descended from nobility

To know where we are going we must first know where we come from. Hence many people are interested in knowing their origins and ancestors. A good way to find out is by investigating the origin of our surnames. Sometimes it is the only thread to pull.

There are a large number of surnames in Spain. In fact, the National Institute of Statistics (INE) allows you to see how many people have a specific surname. Nevertheless, only a few surnames have a noble origin.

In Spain, according to the General Council of Greatness, there are 2,243 nobles, some of whom hold more than one title. Among the most notable noble houses are the Duchy of Alba, Osuna, Medina Sidonia, Medinaceli and Infantado.

Covadonga, AsturiasPixabay

If you have any of these surnames and you are from Asturias, you have noble origins

Check the list to find out if you have origins in high society.

These are the noble surnames in Asturias:

  • Bourbon: This surname appears first on the list, with six people in Asturias who have it as their first surname and eight as their second.
  • Castro: 2,606 Asturians have it as their first surname and 2,620 as their second.
  • Falcó: seven people in Asturias have it as their second surname.
  • Haro: 27 Asturians have it as their first surname and 40 as their second.
  • Laura: 178 people have it as their first surname and 184 as their second.
  • Alcala: 48 Asturians have it as their first surname and 34 as their second.
  • Alvarez de Toledo: Ten people in Asturias have it as their first surname and five as their second.
  • Artega: 44 Asturians have it as their first surname and 29 as their second.
  • Ariza: 64 people have it as their first surname and 70 as their second.
  • Benavides: 82 people have it as their first surname and 56 as their second.
  • Carpio: 55 Asturians have it as their first surname and 39 as their second.
  • Cervantes: Twelve people have it as their first surname and twelve as their second.
  • Contreras: 95 Asturians have it as their first surname and 107 as their second.
  • Flowers: 207 people have it as their first surname and 187 as their second.
  • Fernández de Córdoba: This surname is directly linked to nobility; seven Asturians have it as their first surname and ten as their second.
  • Medina: 691 people have it as their first surname and 590 as their second.
  • Moya: 1,117 Asturians have it as their first surname and 590 as their second.
  • Osorio: 117 people have it as their first surname and 246 as their second.
  • Rivera: 672 Asturians have it as their first surname and 720 as their second.
  • Valenzuela: 21 people have it as their first surname and 27 as their second.
  • Villanueva: 1,203 Asturians have it as their first surname and 1,193 as their second.

What are the most frequent names and surnames in Asturias?

Maria Carmenwith 14,832 women, is the most common feminine name in Asturias, while Jose Manuelwith 10,999 men, is the most frequent male name, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

After María Carmen, the most common female names are, in order: María (9,216), María Ángeles (7,393), María Teresa (7,101), María Pilar (7,077), Ana María (6,718), María Luisa (6,548), Lucía (6,389), María Isabel (6,109) and Laura (5,860). As for men, the names that follow José Manuel in popularity are: Manuel (10,527), José Luis (9,810), José Antonio (8,716), David (8,024), Pablo (7,919), Daniel (7,687), Javier (7,650), José (7,009) and Alejandro (6,661).

As for surnames, in Asturias the most repeated are Fernández, García, González, Álvarez, Rodríguez, Martínez, Suárez, López, Pérez and Díaz.