The “fast track” to equalize the pensions of the national police with those of the mossos reaches Justice and the Ombudsman

In December of last year, the Executive of Pedro Sánchez He once again “humiliated” the national police and civil guards. Specifically, the PSOE requested in the Congress of Deputies the urgent processing of the so-called “Otegi law” while delaying the early retirement of the agents to February.. A setback that came after an official report was released, in which The Government assures that “the risk profession does not exist”.

It was the umpteenth blockade of the bill that would allow early retirement for national police and civil guards, as well as their recognition as a risky profession… and there are 18. For this reason, in the face of the systematic blockade of the Ministry of the Interior, which directs Fernando Grande-Marlaskaand from the Government itself, sponsored by EH Bildu, the police union EYA decided to try an alternative route.

Specifically, it registered a new proposal in the Petitions Committee of the Lower House to equalize the pensions of the State Security Forces and Corps with the rest of the regional and local Police, who have been recognized as a risky profession. In his writing, he argued that Passive Classes can retire with more pension than their contribution by its official group, as occurs with the Administrative and Usher Corps of the Cortes Generales. Therefore, it would be “retirement aid.”

Well, at the request of this union to “income supplementation and recognition of the regulatory credit of Group A1 for the retirement of the State Security Forces and Corps”, Congress has decided to transfer this request to the Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, which directs Felix Bolañosas well as the Ombudsman. It must be remembered that, in March of this year, Ángel Gabilondo admitted that the work of the different tables to establish the parameters of early retirement of national police and civil guards It had already started, but “delayed”. However, he made it clear that the scope of negotiation was beyond his control. In this way, the ball returns to its court, although this time it does involve the Executive directly.

Discrimination with other police officers

At the time, the general secretary of EYA, Natan Espinosa, ironically stated that this route is so fast that “it would take the same time as it took to make the Royal Decree to extend the retirement age of the DAO of the National Police.” But beyond making clear the Government’s inaction in this matter, the document presented in the Lower House reflects the “discrimination” suffered by police officers who contribute to the Passive Class Regimesince they quote up to 700 euros less per month than a regional or local police officer. And the problem lies, as they explain, in that the pension is calculated based on the “Regulatory Asset” of the group to which they belong (C1 if it is a Basic Scale and A2 if it is an Executive), and this does not include the supplements that are part of the salary. global. In this way, there is a great salary difference between active income and pension corresponding at the time of retirement.

And the same happens with national police officers who contribute to the Social Security Regime, since they do not have an additional contribution on their contribution base, as local police officers, mossos or ertzainas do. That is to say, They cannot retire at 59 years of age, without this entailing financial losses. significant. In this sense, EYA denounces the “discrimination” suffered by the State Security Forces and Corps due to the “lack of a salary supplement to bring their pensions into line with those of their counterparts.

A supplement for pensions

However, there is a possibility by which agents could see their retirement increased. The key is in article 16 of the Personnel Statute of the Cortes Generales, in which The door opens to “possible improvements” for the “Administrative and Usher Corps”. Specifically, it establishes that “the amount of the supplement will be the difference between the full annual income of the beneficiary and the amount annually established as the regulatory asset of the Group immediately above his own on the date of retirement and in the percentages established in article 31 of Royal Legislative Decree 670/1987, of April 30, which approves the Revised Text of the State Passive Classes Law”.

Although at first it seems somewhat cumbersome to understand, the explanation is very simple. This regulatory framework allows the officials of these Corps “complement their pensions to reach the regulatory credit of the Immediate Superior Group, setting a precedent that should be extended to the National Police.”

In short, through this proposal in Congress, EYA requests that the right of all members of the State Security Forces and Corps to “receive, as income supplement or retirement aidthe Regulatory Asset of Group A1 of the General State Administration (AGE)”. Likewise, it requests that a specific regulatory reform be promoted that guarantees its retirement “under conditions of equality and equity” with the regional and local police forces.