The Civil Guard tells you what to do if you receive this WhatsApp message

WhatsApp It is not only the most popular messaging app in the world, but also a minefield in terms of scams and disinformationThe first does not require much explanation, since the tactics used by cyber scammers are often the subject of headlines and warnings from state law enforcement agencies. Second, it is common to come across supposedly unverified information that goes viral. Similar to what the government and the media do to shape public opinion, but they spread more organically.

The reach that WhatsApp offers, with more than 2 billion usersits ability to spread rapidly and its low cost are some of the reasons that allow this type of information to proliferate, forwarded from contact to contact. And regarding a certain type of hoaxes, those that refer to supposed police alerts that do not exist and seek to generate social alarm, the Civil Guard has spoken out on its X account, the former Twitter account..

In a message published this Sunday, the Civil Guard recalls the importance of go to official sources when certain security-related issues are discussed. “Does the cousin of the policeman’s neighbour keep sending WhatsApp messages with photos and police alerts?” he asks rhetorically. “Only trust official sources and, if in doubt, Do not spread; check the information beforehand“, he answers.

This notice is aimed at preventing one of the aspects that contributes most to the spread of hoaxes on WhatsApp. Even if it is a forwarded message, a function that WhatsApp began to limit in 2018 to reduce the spread of fake news and hoaxes, The fact that it comes from a known person who is on the recipient’s contact list contributes to its credibility.regardless of the subject matter.

In a matter such as the security warnings that the Police or Civil Guard may send to citizens at a given time, It is always best to refer to the official sources of these and other organizations.