Renewables are in good health

In 2023, renewable energy generation exceeded 50% of the total electricity generated in the country for the first time, according to the study of the Macroeconomic Impact of Renewable Energies in Spain”, recently presented by the Association of Renewable Energy Companies.

This trend has been maintained and has even increased over the last twelve months, allowing Spain to exceed 50% generation in renewable energy. These data show that these technologies are beginning to consolidate as the basis of our electrical system. Specifically, in the last twelve months, 56.8% renewable electricity has been achieved and, so far in 2024, 57.5% of electricity generation has come from clean sources.

Record figures

The figures have been achieved thanks to a very abundant water resource that has made hydroelectric generation skyrockets (+67.5% compared to the previous moving year). The other significant increase in renewable generation comes from photovoltaics, with an increase of 22.3%, the result of greater installed power; solar generation has established itself in third position, after wind and nuclear.

Even if the exercise were carried out to correct the exceptional nature of an extraordinarily wet year, the figures would continue to be very positive since more than 54% of electricity generation would continue to be renewable, which means an increase of four percentage points annually.

Figures that, according to the report, confirm the consolidation of the sector as an engine of growth and job creation in Spain.

Integrate renewables

According to the study, in order to integrate all this new generation of renewable energy, it is necessary to focus on electrification and storagein line with what is proposed by the new National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC), recently approved.

The promotion of renewable energies in this decade is one of the main vectors to achieve the objectives of the National Plan, which for the year 2030, sets a target of 81% renewable electricity generation and with regard to storage, the rise in energy costs stands out. pumping and battery technologies.

According to the report, of all the renewable technologies contemplated in the Plan, only photovoltaics maintains a pace in line with the goals set for 2030. At the level of electricity generation, the percentage increase this year remains on a positive path, but not The same thing happens with electricity demand, so specific measures must be promoted to electrify and make demand more flexible.

Likewise, the report ensures that the sector is awaiting specific regulation that attracts investments and develops storage in Spain, which will be essential to integrate the renewable power expected for the coming years.