Page on the PSC-ERC agreement: “I will not support it and I trust that the PSOE will not tolerate it”

As announced yesterday by the Press Office of the President of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, this Wednesday, July 31, there was a “important” institutional statement by the regional leader.

García-Page began this statement by pointing out that he has not received any information. “no document signed by the PSOEI do not know. At this point I have only received drafts”referring to the agreement document between the PSC and ERC to invest Salvador Illa as president of the Parliament of Catalonia to which the president of Castile-La Mancha added, “I have seen a very generic statement that could be blown away by the wind” of the change of opinion of the day after tomorrow, I trust that it cannot prosper”.

“I’m not going to support him, I can tell you up to here”

“I will not support him and I fully trust that my party, The PSOE does not tolerate it. This approach will not go ahead“It would be a kick in the constitutional puzzle so that we have to start again,” said the regional president.

“I am convinced that my party will not support this.. As a socialist, it does not represent me or bind me. “Nothing more than what was approved in the congresses, which is the opposite of what was announced by ERC,” Page said.

“Puigdemont will come and say I’m here, but I can tell you up to here”“This approach will not succeed, it would be like kicking the constitutional puzzle to the curb so that we have to start again,” he insisted.

“Me and millions of people are going to do it”

“What I have heard from ERC is The least left-wing approach since I can remember. It is selfishness in person. What they seek before equality is independence. The problem is not in ERC, it is in who leaves aside his political program and his convictions“I and millions of people are not going to do it,” said the president of Castilla-La Mancha.

“This agreement exceeds all limits because it affects people’s pockets and lives. It is the most serious example of selfishness and contempt for other territories that I have seen in a long time,” García-Page stressed regarding the agreement between the PSC and ERC.

Defend Illa as president

The Castilian-Manchegan socialist has praised the PSC candidate, “The best thing that can happen to Catalonia is that the president is Illa Since he has won the elections twice and I am convinced with time and tranquility I would dismantle the independence movement’s setups one by one. He would be the president of normalization.”

“Illa’s investiture must be made possible without the cost has to be paid by the rest of the territories of Spain and particularly the PSOE in the rest of Spain to which you cannot defend the indefensible“, he insisted.

“I’m not constantly changing my mind”

The president of the Castilian-Manchegan region has defended himself from the attacks: “That if I am a fascist, that if I am right-wingwhat Esquerra is proposing is to create a factory to feed the right. Some people with a lot of power will say that I am the same as always, The usual suspects, Lamban and Page“I’m glad I’m still the same because I’m not constantly changing my mind. If you think you’re offending me, you’re wrong.”

Warns the PSOE and Sánchez

“During these days they will say that the important thing is that ERC militants vote, then the small print will come. What I am fighting against is that my project, my party, the PSOE should not even consider this operation “an attack on equality,” Page denounced.

“The PSOE was founded to combat inequalitywe cannot promote and protect it. Many will doubt that an unsigned, unpresented, unendorsed paperI ended up being wet, in any case the statements of Esquerra are already quite serious.”

“This episode belongs to the same movie, since the pardonssince the reform of the penal code to reduce the penalties for embezzlement and since the Amnesty Law, through all these steps we can get to this. The scriptwriters are the same, the independentists”the socialist lamented.

“Taxes are paid by citizens, not by the Generalitat of Catalonia”

“National wealth belongs to everyone, it is the most refined expression of national sovereignty. I completely reject the concept of scales and “Receiving what we give is unaffordable”García-Page stressed.

“It’s stupid consider departments because taxes are paid by citizens and businesses, not by the Generalitat of Catalonia. People pay them because they are obligatory to maintain the welfare state, We all have to contribute”he said.

“The left has always championed progressive taxation, those who have more pay more and those who have less pay less, but that does not apply to the autonomous communities,” said the president of Castilla-La Mancha.

“Not even the men in black of the EU”

“The independence movement is doing what it wantswhich is to break this with a palliative tone towards the Spanish. This is what they propose It is obscene and embarrassing“It cannot be argued that they have the box and the keys,” García-Page continued.

“We’re going to move on from that The lie that Spain has been stealing for a long time“Not even the men in black of the European Union,” Emiliano García-Page concluded this institutional statement from the Fuensalida Palace (Toledo).