In recent years, the number of people demanding greater involvement of companies in the field of environmental impact and a greater commitment to economic development that respects sustainable growth has been growing systematically and progressively. In fact, some studies state that 52% of consumers, especially young people, take sustainability criteria into account when choosing a brand.
For their part, and as confirmed by Cristina Sanchez, CEO of the UN Global Compact Spain, companies not only have to respond to growing social and regulatory expectations, but they also have to position themselves as proactive leaders in the creation of a sustainable and ethical future. In his opinion “the combination of stricter regulations, transparent accountability and active collaboration with the public and financial sectors will lead the way towards a positive and lasting business transformation.”
Spanish companies are already in it, as demonstrated by their participation in different initiatives, among others those launched by different organizations and entities such as the UN Global Compact, which in collaboration with ICEX and the ICO Foundation, have launched the second edition of the Training Program: sustainable suppliers, a pioneering initiative at a global level that involved, in its first edition, more than 1,200 supplier companies and 17 large international companies.
Furthermore, according to experts, given the current uncertainty, possible energy crises, inflation and accelerated technological changes, companies must incorporate the new language of business sustainability. That is, they have to move towards profitability along a path in which they adopt ethical practices with a positive impact on the environment, society and the economy.
Outreach campaigns
Within this new language of business sustainability, sustainable dissemination campaigns can also be included, which are very important when it comes to providing consumers with consumer practices and habits that favor more responsible consumption.
Everything adds up when it comes to providing solutions to move towards better and greater protection of the planet.
The best sustainable information campaigns “Team Savings”, this year Naturgy, has launched an information dissemination campaign, in which the focus is on attention to the new needs of a more informed and environmentally aware consumer, who demands a more active and more efficient role in its energy consumption.
The conceptualization of this campaign shows an expert group in energy efficiency, the “Savings Team”, which offers ideas and suggestions to save energy, with simple and easy proposals, such as putting weather stripping on the windows, adjusting the temperature of the refrigerator and the thermostat. or install solar panels in buildings and communities.
“Zara Pre-Owned”, the brand of the Inditex group, launched in 2023, a platform for the purchase and sale of used clothing, alterations and donation of used clothing that began its journey in 14 European markets, including Spain. This is an online service, in which clients can offer garments from any collection. A service is also provided that allows the repair of used clothing and customers can request home collection of clothing items to be donated to non-profit entities.
“Save Ralph”, the Humane Society International organization, released an animated short in 2021 with the aim of ending the testing of cosmetics on animals. The short film tells of a day at work in the life of Ralph the rabbit, blind in one eye, deaf in one ear and with chemical burns on his back. In reality, Ralph is a test rabbit who suffers the adverse consequences of “his job.” Today, the original publication of this video has millions of views and Ralph the rabbit has become an icon of the organization.
“Food Rescue Sainsbury”, the Sainsbury supermarket chain, located in the United Kingdom, launched a campaign to reduce food waste. The company, together with Google, has created an interactive tool that helps users take advantage of foods that are about to expire.