Micaela Mantegna, star guest at Sónar+D, the digital culture area at the famous Barcelona festival

Who do they belong to today? Copyright on an image generated by artificial intelligence? To the computer developer, to the publisher that sells the book whose cover it illustrates, to the company that puts the video game on sale, or to any human being? Micaela Mantegnaknown as the 'lawyer is one of the greatest international authorities on video game policy and metaverse governance: lawyer, university professor, member of the board of directors of Women In Games Argentina ydHarvard's Berkman Klein Center is a guest of honor at the festival Sonar 2024 which is celebrated in Barcelona next June 13, 14 and 15. Mantegna will give a conference audiovisual in the Sónar+D area on as the AI and the metaverse They are being deformed to serve surveillance capitalismthe central theme of his next book.

This is how he answers our initial question: “The debate is very complex and today there is no single answer. Qprotect a work under law requires that it be “original”, which the doctrine qualifies as having a minimum of creativity. Is creativity an exclusively human attribute? Can machines be creative? If we come to the conclusion that AI is capable of generating works autonomously, we find that AI is not a subject of law, which is why she could not be considered “author.” The US Copyright Office allows you to register a work if in it the human contribution is substantialbut who determines that there has been enough human intervention?While I was researching my book ARTIFICIALI found that we could think more than eight possible answers about who is responsibleincluding the possibility that everything produced corresponds to the public domain.”

Just a couple of months ago in Spain we experienced a heated controversy on the networks about this matter: a publisher illustrated a certain novel with an image generated by AI. Both writers and professional illustrators complained and more when there were many errors in the image. Is there a real danger that these professionals will be out of work in the practically immediate future? The ethical dilemmas of generative AI lie not only in the replacement of artists but also in the privatization of culture and how these models contribute to the democratic crisis by generating disinformation on a large scale.ANDCopyright law is not prepared to respond to the challenges posed by AIas I mention in my last essay for he Yale Law Journal. The disruption brought by AI not only affects the creative industries, It cuts across all industries, the changes are systemic”.

At the beginning of his applauded TED talk, Mantegna maintains that “the metaverse is already on fire and we haven't built it yet” to refer to the need to learn from mistakes made throughout the development of the Internet in order not to repeat them. What is the metaverse, a term that even Tamara Falcó dared to use in a photocall? “There is no specific definition and since the gold rush that broke out after the rebranding of Facebook as Meta, many initiatives contributed to the general confusion: Brands announced their “presence in the metaverse” without being clear about what it meant. A 3D virtual world, a video game, a virtual reality application or a collection of NTFs? The concept is more than thirty years old, since the novel Snow Crashby Neal Stephenson, or Neuromancer, by William Gibson. For some the metaverse is an evolution of the internet, for others it is a convergence of the physical and digital world with layers of information that are added to the tangible world through augmented reality. The metaverse is a complex techno-cultural artifact where public and private interest converge and where human beings will spend much of our lives. That is why it is crucial that it is developed in a responsible and sustainable way. I am convinced that in the future we will see brain-machine interfaces incorporated into control devices capable of reading brain and motor information.This is one of my biggest concerns: The metaverse can be the path of decentralization or a capitalism of cognitive surveillance”.

Conference at SonarÀgora: Friday the 14th at 2:30 p.m.