Each cow generates 200g of methane daily, equal to 14 trips from Madrid to Barcelona

Bulls and cows also pollute, emitting a large amount of methane that can now be measured thanks to a sensor, which puts a figure on a major environmental problem. Each animal generates about 200 grams of this greenhouse gas every day and there are many cows on the planet.

The methane released by ruminants causes 14 percent of greenhouse gases; each cow produces 200 grams of methane per day, the equivalent in CO2 of 14 car journeys from Madrid to Barcelona. Reducing it is essential and that is why research is being carried out, taking samples, for example, of the bacteria inside their stomachs, or genetically selecting the animals to promote those that produce less gases on open-air farms; not everything is disadvantageous.

In Spain, the sector has also managed to reduce its water footprint. Cows consume 66 percent less water than the world average.