What is the weather going to be like on 21A?

He April, the 21st The regional elections are being held in the Basque Country, and there will be many who leave their homes and go to cast their vote at the polls in this community.

What will the weather be like on Sunday to go vote? Will we have to take out the umbrella or will it be sunny days? We tell you what are the latest predictions of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET).

On Sunday, stable and sunny but cool weather is expected. The dawn will be cold and could freeze in parts of Álava. In addition, fog banks will form.

You will wake up during the morning and the rest of the day cloudy intervals will alternate with sunny spells. The further south you go, the clearer the sky will look.

The daytime temperatures will drop a little compared to Saturday's. The maximums will be between 14 and 15 degrees and the northeast wind will intensify in the afternoon, increasing the sensation of cold.

During the electoral journeyin Bilbao The maximums will be stable around the 15 degreeswhile the minimums will be 6 degrees.

In the case of Saint Sebastiannight temperatures will be slightly lower with 4 degrees and the maximums will drop one point to 14 degrees during noon.

Victoria will record the lowest minimums of the day with 0 degrees and the thermometers will show 14 degrees of maximum.

In this way, if everything planned by Aemet follows, the environment will be stable and sunny on election day in the Basque Country and Voters will not have to go to the polls with umbrellas.