very hot and change in rain pattern

The month of May has begun with a drop in temperatures that has lowered the snow level below 1,000 meters in the north. This Thursday the maximums will recover a little and rains are only expected in northern areas. The forecast of the State Meteorological Agency indicates that the Friday Temperatures will continue to rise and the risk of frost will disappear. And on the weekend the atmosphere will be completely summery. It will be hot in the east and south of the country with 30th in Valencia, 31st in Seville or 32nd in Murcia. What weather awaits us in the coming weeks? And in summer?

Meteorology has advanced this Thursday its forecast for the months of May to July and, as in previous years, a hot weather in many corners of the countrys. According to the information published by the AEMET, The month of May will be 'normal' in terms of precipitation and warm, especially in the next two weeks. In its X profile, the AEMET specifies that next week it will be “significantly dry” and especially hot.

This announcement comes while waiting for the latest data for the global count confirm that last April was one of the six or seven driest in the historical series, and that despite the widespread and especially abundant rains of recent days in areas such as Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. At a thermal level, April has also been a month with overall high temperatures despite the cold atmosphere of the last few days. According to provisional data, April has been a very warm month, with a average temperature higher than 1º above its normal value and rainfall that until April 28 did not even reach half the normal value for this month.

Taking into account the quarterly forecasts, in the period between May-June-July, Temperatures will be higher than normal throughout the country, especially in the eastern peninsula and in both archipelagos.. Specifically, in the east of the peninsula and the two archipelagos there is a very high probability (above 70%) that it will be a warm quarter. In the rest of the country the probability is lower, but it is still more likely that it will be a warm quarter (50%) than that it will be a normal quarter (30%) or that it will be a cold quarter (10%). Furthermore, from the state organization, they anticipate that during these months a change in the rain pattern is expected, since It could be drier than normal in the western Peninsulathe. In the rest of the territory, they indicate that “a dry quarter is just as likely as a rainy quarter.”