Every Android update brings high-level user-oriented features that receive a lot of attention, especially those linked to security or privacy protection. But there are also many low-level, hidden changes made that can be just as important, mainly from a user experience perspective. And the next Android 15 update brings some linked to the battery.
At this week's Google developer conference, the second beta version of Android 15 was announced with very interesting functions and one of the most unnoticed has to do with improving the duration of Battery standby for up to three hours on some devices. How is this possible?
In an interview, both Dave Burke, vice president of engineering for the Android platform, and Sameet Samat, president of the Android ecosystem, explain how Google got these improvements.
In an era in which we increasingly depend on mobile phones, batteries are as decisive as the quality of the cameras and chargers compete to be faster and more effective, gain so much battery with just one update Not only is it interesting, it also makes us think about what other sections we could act on to improve the useful life of our battery. And how long will it take to discover them… if they are not already known and will be published in dribs and drabs.
At the conference Google basically said that this specific improvement was achieved through a variety of optimizations, such as reducing application processor time (AP) Main device goes back to sleep after being woken up to write some health data.
From now on, Android 15 will speed up the sleep response of devices by 50%. This means that devices running Android 15 They will enter sleep mode 50% faster than with Android 14. The result is an improvement in standby battery life, up to three hours on some devices tested.
Since this is a change to a core Android feature, this improvement will roll out to all devices that receive an update to Android 15. That includes Wear OS, i.e. devices like smart watches.