The Android trick to avoid having to use the unlock PIN at home

Android devices offer several unlocking methods as a protection measure to prevent third parties from accessing it, such as the use of a PIN code, pattern, fingerprint or facial recognition. However, it may be cumbersome to constantly unlock your mobile when you are in a safe place such as home and where it is not necessary to maintain the lock and enter the PIN every time you use it.

This mobile behavior can be avoided without compromising its security. That is to say, without disabling the unlocking method used. Android offers a function called Smart Lock which allows establishing trusted places in which the mobile does not require an unlocking method while remaining in them. It is necessary to have the location activated and it offers a direct and more comfortable way to access the mobile, without having to worry about disabling and re-enabling a form of unlocking. You have to follow these steps:

  • Access the Settings of your Android mobile.
  • Tap on Security and privacythe name may vary slightly depending on the Android version and device manufacturer, and then in More security settings.
  • Choose Smart Lock and enter the PIN unlocking. On some mobile phones this option appears under the name Extended unlock.
  • Tap on Trusted sites. The mobile geolocates you at this point, so if you are at home you just have to click on the address it shows you and then on Activate this location. A message then tells you that the range of trusted sites is 125 meters. Click on Accept. If you want to add a different site than the one you are on, tap Add trusted site and look for it on the map that Android shows below.
Steps to establish a trusted site on an Android mobile.Alfredo Biurun.

With your home established as a trusted site in Smart Lock, You will only have to use an unlock method the first time after entering it. From that moment on you have 4 hours in which it will not be necessary to use the PIN or other unlocking method, or until you leave the trusted site and Android resets them automatically. And if you want to delete a location saved in Smart Lock, just tap on it and then tap Disable this location.