This is the weather forecast for Christmas in Spain

Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year’s Eve and New Year They are just around the corner and many Spaniards want to know the weather that will be the most important days of the holidays. Although there is still a long way to go and forecasts are not reliable beyond 10 days aheadYes, certain trends can be pointed out. Will it be an intensely cold Christmas? Will we say goodbye to the year with rain? Where will it snow?

Rubén del Campo, spokesperson for the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), has advanced that current meteorological models suggest that the last weeks of December could be marked by a anticyclonic weather in much of Spain. This would imply an environment cold, typical of the season, and little rain.

The uncertainty in the forecasts is greater in certain regions, especially in the Mediterranean area and points in the north of the country, where “It is still not very clear what is going to happen”explained del Campo. Furthermore, he has stressed that making predictions for more than ten days is “quite adventurous.”

Week from December 16 to 23

Based on the forecasts of the European Prediction Center, with the appropriate long-term uncertainties, The week of December 16 to 23 is expected to present generally higher than normal temperatures in almost all of Spain, except in some northern areas.

As for the rainsthe models indicate that a anticyclonic weather, with night frosts and little precipitationwhich would be below normal in the north, the east, Galicia and in the archipelagos.

Week of December 23 to 30

For the week of December 23 to 30although the forecast still needs to be interpreted with caution because there is still a long way to go, temperatures could be around normal values ​​by the end of December. That is to say, “the cold typical of the season” is expectedpointed out del Campo.

However, in some areas, such as the Duero, Tagus, Miño and Ebro valleys, values ​​could be recorded below normal, which could leave persistent fog and a very cold atmosphere throughout the day.