This free WhatsApp function protects you from scams and that your phone fit

WhatsApp is one of the applications where one is expected to be scammed. We believe that only our acquaintances have our telephone number creating, without realizing, a sense of security in which Any threat is even far from being suspected.

However, behind this naivety, There are more and more frauds trying to take advantage of this guard to try to create a scam. Despite the threat that you may suppose, knowing these simple steps will make you protected in this type of situations.

Disable this whatsapp function if you want to avoid scams

The scam begins with the message of a cybercrime. This can contain Spywarethrough which They can extract sensitive information from your devices connected to the Internet. Although you manually do not install these files, if you have this automatic option on WhatsApp you could become the victim of this fraud.

Specifically, The failure consists of activating the automatic multimedia file download. You can believe that with this option you will only download photos and videos that your friends and family send you, but also you authorize access to your phone of any type of file. Even the aforementioned malware without you had to intervene.

WhatsApp eliminates the classic ‘writing’ of the chats: this will be the new indicator.Julian Christ.Unspash.

To avoid this, you must deactivate this modality of your WhatsApp that, by luck, It is completely free and it is not necessary to download a separate software to implement it on your phone. On the other hand, with this option you will also reduce the consumption of mobile data and the storage memory of your device.

Detecting a malicious file is not as easy as you think

These types of files do not have to be in a strange format, They can be hidden in a simple PDF document. Without knowing it, you can download a Spyware And, with this, give access to sensitive information such as your bank data, passwords and even the data of other installed applications.

You don’t even have to open the message to activate the virus: With the automatic discharge of enabled files, only that you receive it you can already be being a victim of this fraud, so although automatically downloading the files can be a comfortable feature to receive content from your environment, your genuinity can be expensive and It can involve a cybersecurity problem.

Besides, This vulnerability not only affects unknown contacts. Even a reliable sender, such as a friend or relative whose device has been compromised, could become a channel for the distribution of malicious files.

Having activated the automatic discharge function converts your device into a vulnerable objective for cybercriminals. Although taking precautions such as ignoring suspicious messages or blocking potentially dangerous contacts is a good start, these measures are insufficient if this option remains active.

By deactivating the automatic download, the user obtains greater control On what files download and when to do it, which adds an extra barrier of protection against this type of risks.

WhatsApp has registered several falls worldwide in recent months, as well as other goal applications such as Instagram and Facebook
WhatsApp has registered several falls worldwide in recent months, as well as other goal applications such as Instagram and FacebookDreamstime

How to deactivate file automatic download?

To deactivate this modality on devices whose operating system is Android It should be done as follows:

  • Open WhatsApp and press the three vertical points in the upper right corner, where the menu will open.
  • Once there, select the “Settings” option.
  • Go to “storage and data.”
  • Within the “Automatic download” section, there are three options: “Download with mobile data”, “Download with Wi-Fi” and “In Data Room”.
  • Click on each of them and disable all categories: photos, audios, videos and documents.
  • Confirm the changes by pressing “OK”.

On the other hand, to disable it on your iPhone In the iOS operating system You must do it like this:

  • Open WhatsApp and access “configuration” from the lower application of the application.
  • Go to “storage and data.”
  • In the “Automatic file download” section, select each file type (photos, audios, videos and documents) and change the configuration to “never”.
  • The changes will be saved automatically.
WhatsApp will allow you to have two accounts in the same app
WhatsApp will allow you to have two accounts in the same app

In this way, you will be protected in a very simple way in this type of situations. Although cybercriminals are managing them in a new way, It should be done everything possible to avoid being a victim of them. Other measures you can take to increase your safety at WhatsApp are:

  • Keep the application always updated: Updates include security patches and corrections for possible vulnerabilities, which helps maintain your protected account.
  • Avoid clicking suspicious links: Attackers usually use fraudulent links to direct the victims to phishing pages designed to steal personal information.
  • Activate two steps verification: This function adds an extra protection layer to require an additional pin code to confirm your WhatsApp account.
  • Distrust of messages with urgent or unusual tone: Many scams are based on the impersonation of identity, deceptive promotions or money requests from people who go through friends or family.