This free Microsoft app allows you to recover deleted files in Windows 10 and 11

A problem that many users go through is wanting to recover a file that has previously been deleted. Not simply sent to the recycle bin, but deleted from the computer. When it happens, there are recovery options, usually through specialized third-party software such as Recuva either Disk Drillbut there is also on the part of Microsoft.

Windows File Recovery is a free tool that Microsoft launched in 2020 that works with any Windows from Windows 10 2004which also includes Windows 11. You can use it to recover documents, photos, videos and audios on hard drives, both HDD and SSD, memory cards and USB drives.

The reason why this and other apps can recover deleted files is because, when the user deletes it, Windows doesn’t actually remove itnot immediately. Although they can no longer be accessed through Windows, files remain where they were until the operating system needs that storage space to write new dataat which point they are effectively permanently eliminated. This is why it is important to proceed to recovery as soon as possible and you must keep in mind that it will not always be possible to achieve this.

Windows File Recovery is available through the Microsoft store, from which you can download a small executable of just over 2 MB. Once installed, the program is controlled through the windows terminal that allows you to work with the operating system using command lines. You can start Windows Files Recovery either through its access in the list of programs or by starting the terminal, also from the list of programs and selecting, from the context menu that appears when you right-click on the name of the program, Run as administrator.

Having to use command lines can put off users who are not used to it a bit, but in this case, handling is simple.

Windows Files Recovery operating modes

The tool has two modes of operation: standard and extensive. The first allows fast and efficient recovery of recently deleted files using the Master File TableMFT for its acronym in English, and is recommended for drives formatted with the file system NTFS that do not present data corruption. The second is recommended for complex cases such as drives that have been formatted or damaged and, in addition to NTFS file systems, works with FAT, exFAT and ReFS. Perform a search for signatures on the unit, which implies a deeper and more detailed scan which can recover files even when the MFT is no longer available or damaged.

To find out what file system a drive uses, you can use the Windows Explorer to right click on it and select Properties. There you will see what file system it uses.

Windows Files Recovery interface. Alfredo Biurrun.

The commands you should use with Windows Files Recovery

Each command must begin with the term winfrfollowed by the letter corresponding to the source drive of the file and the destination drive where whatever is recovered will be saved in an automatically created folder. Eye, the destination drive must always be different from the source drive. And then the mode chosen for operation:

  • Winfr C: D: /regular.
  • Winfr C: D: /extensive.

From here you can establish different parameters, adding the command /n and then the chosen filter. You can tell the program to look for files in a specific location, for example the folder Downloadswriting:

  • Winfr C: D: /regular /n Users /(user name)/Downloads.

If you want to search for a specific file, you can also add it to the end of the command.

  • Winfr C: D: /regular /n Users /(user name)/Downloads/(file name).

You can also search all files with a certain word in the name. For example, ‘project’. The command would look like this:

  • Winfr C: D: /regular /n project.

Or one or more specific file types. If you are looking for Word, Excel and Power Point documents, it would be the following command:

  • Winfr C: D: /regular /n *.docx /n *.xlsx /n *.pptx.