In Spain, there are animals that are little known and others that are extremely rare to see due to their endangered status. However, it is not necessary to travel to distant lands to find these wonders of nature. Our country is a true treasure of biodiversity thanks to its geography, climate and diverse ecosystems.
Spain is home to a surprising variety of wildlife, including unique species in the animal kingdom. Although many may think of the fighting bull, the Iberian lynx or the Iberian imperial eagle as the most emblematic animals, There are other lesser known species that have extraordinary characteristics. Often shy and elusive, these species deserve to be more recognized so that we can appreciate and protect the rich biodiversity our country has to offer.
The rarest animals
Among the most unique and threatened species that inhabit Spain, we find the canary shrew, a small insectivorous mammal native to the Canary Islands, distinguished by its tiny size and acute sense of smell. This species is endangered due to habitat destruction and the introduction of predators.
He stag beetle, also known as vacaloura in Galicia, is the largest beetle in Europe and is recognized by the giant mandibles of the males. This insect lives in forests, feeding on decaying wood, but faces threats such as forest fires and deforestation.
The great peacock butterfly It is one of the most spectacular in Spain, with wings that reach up to 15 centimeters in span. Its “eyes” drawn on its wings have earned it the nickname “the owl” in some rural areas. This butterfly is threatened by the loss of its habitat.
He hermit ibis, a bird with a long beak and dark plumage, is critically endangered. Since 2004, work has been done on its reintroduction in the province of Cádiz, where favorable conditions exist for its conservation.
He black green lizard, known for its blue head, is a species endemic to the Iberian Peninsula. This lizard lives in the northwest and other southwestern areas, and its survival is threatened by pollution and alteration of its natural habitats.
The piornal hare, native to the Cantabrian mountain range, is in a vulnerable state due to agricultural expansion and climate change. This species, with its thick fur and preference for high mountain habitats, is another example of the rich Spanish biodiversity that requires protection.
He iberian desman, a small semi-aquatic mammal, is an excellent swimmer and bioindicator of water quality. This shy and discreet animal is critically endangered due to the degradation of aquatic ecosystems.
The Mediterranean monk seal, one of the rarest seal species in the world, is critically endangered. Conservation efforts include the creation of marine protected areas and mitigation of human disturbance.
Finally, the Elizabethan butterfly, discovered in the 19th century in Segovia, is one of the most beautiful moths in Spain. With a wingspan that can reach 10 cm, this species depends on its energy reserves accumulated during its larval stage to survive its brief adult life.
Other curious species that deserve to be named include the canary long-eared batthreatened by the destruction of its habitat and the use of pesticides, and which stands out for its large ears, used for echolocation.