These are the 20 most used passwords in Spain in 2024, personal and corporate

NordPass is a well-known password manager launched in 2019 by Nord Securitycompany behind the virtual private network service NordVPN. The company has published its annual report on security and the passwords we use to protect our online identity. And like every year, The result could not be more discouraging..

Yeah, ‘123456’ It is once again the most used password globally and also in Spain. Most of those included in the lists prepared by NordPass are as easy as this, globally and in 44 countries. Which, together with the habit of reusing passwords, makes many, many users vulnerable.

The NordPass report is based on information extracted from 2.5TB of passwords from data leaks or stolen with malware. As the company explains, most of these passwords are associated with usernames, which has allowed them distinguish, considering the domain of each email, between those of personal accounts and corporate accounts.

The latter, a novelty in this year’s report, show that the same lightness that is applied in the creation of personal passwords remains in the company. Below, the 20 most used passwords in Spain for personal accounts, including the number of times each one has been used and the time it would take a hacker to break it.

The 20 most used passwords in Spain for personal accounts in 2024

The 20 most used passwords in Spain for personal accounts in 2024

Position Password Time to decipher it Amount
1 123456 < 1 second 27,374
2 123456789 < 1 second 14,385
3 12345678 < 1 second 7,811
4 Spain 2 minutes 7,349
5 qwerty123 < 1 second 5,620
6 12345 < 1 second 5,179
7 qwerty1 < 1 second 4,907
8 1234567890 < 1 second 3,439
9 password < 1 second 2,804
10 1234567 < 1 second 2,743
11 Barcelona < 1 second 2,168
12 000000 < 1 second 2,089
13 111111 < 1 second 2,000
14 SPAIN 2 minutes 1,858
15 QWERTY < 1 second 1,551
16 Alexander 3 seconds 1,390
17 123123 < 1 second 1,347
18 Spain 2 minutes 1,290
19 christina 3 hours 1,118
20 Qwerty123 < 1 second 1,115

The 20 most used corporate passwords in Spain in 2024

The 20 most used corporate passwords in Spain in 2024

Position Password Time to decipher it Amount
1 123456 < 1 second 2,640
2 12345 < 1 second 1,718
3 123456789 < 1 second 870
4 Spain 2 minutes 757
5 12345678 < 1 second 653
6 1234567 < 1 second 347
7 1234567890 < 1 second 287
8 SPAIN 2 minutes 256
9 Spain 2 minutes 232
10 111111 < 1 second 202
11 password < 1 second 168
12 Maria 10 seconds 155
13 Spain 2 minutes 148
14 Spy 1 second 144
15 000000 < 1 second 139
16 I love you 10 seconds 138
17 Spain 10 seconds 129
18 QWERTY < 1 second 128
19 Carlos 2 minutes 122
20 Barcelona < 1 second 119

The 20 most used personal passwords globally in 2024

The 20 most used personal passwords globally in 2024

Position Password Time to decipher it Amount
1 123456 < 1 second 3,018,050
2 123456789 < 1 second 1,625,135
3 12345678 < 1 second 884,740
4 password < 1 second 692,151
5 qwerty123 < 1 second 642,638
6 qwerty1 < 1 second 583,630
7 111111 < 1 second 459,730
8 12345 < 1 second 395,573
9 secret < 1 second 363,491
10 123123 < 1 second 351,576
11 1234567890 < 1 second 324,349
12 1234567890 < 1 second 324,349
13 1234567 < 1 second 307,719
14 000000 < 1 second 250,043
15 QWERTY < 1 second 244,879
16 abc123 < 1 second 217,230
17 password1 < 1 second 211,932
18 iloveyou < 1 second 197,880
19 11111111 < 1 second 195,237
20 dragon < 1 second 144,670

The 20 most used company passwords globally in 2024

The 20 most used company passwords globally in 2024

Position Password Time to decipher it Amount
1 123456 < 1 second 1,233,447
2 123456789 < 1 second 693,611
3 12345678 < 1 second 365,724
4 secret < 1 second 339,202
5 password < 1 second 196,477
6 qwerty123 < 1 second 144,238
7 qwerty1 < 1 second 137,903
8 111111 < 1 second 106,328
9 123123 < 1 second 102,207
10 1234567890 < 1 second 92,998
11 QWERTY < 1 second 91,862
12 1234567 < 1 second 86,162
13 11111111 < 1 second 80,114
14 abc123 < 1 second 57,907
15 iloveyou < 1 second 53,803
16 123123123 < 1 second 51,101
17 000000 < 1 second 46,185
18 00000000 < 1 second 45,376
19 a123456 < 1 second 42,194
20 password1 < 1 second 41,427

How to protect your passwords

The outlook could not be more bleak from a security point of view, nor more encouraging for the cybercriminals whom These habits make work much easier.. The recommendations that NordPass makes to improve account protection are the usual ones:

  • Enable the two-step authentication for all your accounts.
  • Use passkeys if the service allows it.
  • Create passwords robustwith at least 20 characters and uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special symbols.
  • Review your passwords to identify which ones you are reusing or are too easy to guess.
  • Never reuse a password.
  • Use a password manager.