The three university careers that require the least effort, according to artificial intelligence

Undertaking university-type studies is one of the most important steps for the vast majority of people who aspire to make a living from a profession in the future. However, University majors are so varied that it can become a very difficult decision to make..

Many people put their personal tastes, their innate abilities, the jobs their parents have, or the recommendations of other people first when deciding. what type of studies to follow. Making this decision is very important since it will be a determining part of the type of future they will have and that is why Many weigh the length of their career, the level of demand and the possibility of a quick job exit..

Less demanding university courses

In this framework, taking advantage of technological advances, the use of artificial intelligence It has become a great tool to ask certain questions. That is why you have been asked what they are. university courses considered less demanding or that have a relatively low level of demand.

The results offered by this new technology have been based on the analysis of preferences, ratings and statistics which allowed the development of a top three university courses chosen by people who do not want to put in extra effort.

The first university degree on the list is Business administration that, according to artificial intelligence, It does not demand an excessive intellectual load and has an attractive structure regarding academic programs and work dynamics in companies. In addition, it indicates that it has more practical and accessible subjects, compared to other study offers.

Secondly, there is Graphic designconsidered a university degree that does not demand high mental and physical demands. Artificial intelligence highlights that it is a career that can be learned through short programs and the job offer remains high.

Finally, the top three completes it Social Work that, according to artificial intelligence, requires a great vocation for service but is not demanding in terms of technical skills. The theoretical preparation is not as intense as in other careers since it has a more direct training due to its social and human focus.