The CyL Digital Program offers 246 training courses in digital skillss throughout the month of April andbetween the CyL Digital Spaces, dependent on the Ministry of Mobility and Digital Transformation and located in all provincial capitals, and the network of Associated Rural Centers, as reported today by the Board in a statement.
Of these, 222 will be in person, 158 in the centers managed by the Ministry itself. and 64 in the digital skills centers of the rural world, and the remaining 24, where the course modality and also the seminar modality have a place, will be taught through their online platform.
Castilians and Leonese interested in participating in any of these courses, completely free, will be able to learn how to use the Sacyl Conecta app, to the possibilities offered by having a digital certificate to carry out administrative procedures electronically, including purchasing safely over the Internet, learning to manage Artificial Intelligence through ChatGPT or other tools, how the main social networks work ( Instagram, Tik Tok, You Tube, Facebook), online banking applications or how to use the DNIe, digital certificate and Cl@ve system, among others.
In addition to these courses, the CyL Digital Program also provides for the completion of a total of 24 digital knowledge certification tests through TuCertiCyL, a complementary platform to the training field that aims to officially accredit that any person has a certain level of knowledge. digital skills.
In this case, we should highlight those that will be hosted by the CEPA Faustina Álvarez García de León (days 11 and 25), those in the Mentor Classroom of Medina del Campo (days 11 and 16), the one planned for the Carbajosa Computer Classroom of the Sacred (day 29), and the one convened in the Municipal Library of Santa María del Páramo (day 15), with the rest being held in the CyL Digital Spaces of the provincial capitals of the Community. Twelve of them will be basic level and the same number will be medium level.
All information related to the training activities of the CyL Digital Program, the location of the CyL Digital Spaces and Associated Rural Centers or the e-learning platform is available on the CyL Digital website. For its part, registration for the digital skills certification tests is carried out through the Your CertiCyL website.
The CyL Digital Program seeks to promote training and advice in digital skills for the citizens of Castilla y León through the nine CyL Digital Spaces in the provincial capitals, the network of associated centers in rural areas and its online platform.
Since its inception in 2009, more than 16,200 face-to-face training activities have been given and more than 2,500 online training activities. It has more than 102,000 registered in-person users, to which we must add almost 43,500 who follow the courses offered online.
The CyL Digital Spaces of the Junta de Castilla y León are digital skills centers in the provincial capitals where face-to-face training activities are provided to citizens, technological support and advice is provided, and certification tests of citizens' digital skills are carried out. .
In rural areas, there are more than 200 centers associated with the CyL Digital Program, which are computer classrooms and telecenters managed by city councils and associations, with which they work jointly to provide training in rural areas, and there is also a list of almost 150 collaborating entities, with which courses or workshops are promoted. digital literacy.