The week has started with a slight drop in temperatures, leaving a cool but within the usual for this time of year. However, it is expected that thermometers will rebound in the middle of the week, returning a milder sensation. Looking ahead to the next weekendmeteorological models anticipate a sharp drop in temperatures, which would lead us to a mid-winter environment.
Thus, the December Bridgewhich will begin this Friday, will be conditioned by this climatic evolution. While the first days will be dominated by stability thanks to the anticyclone located to the west of the peninsula, On Sunday a radical change is expected with the weather arrival of a very cold air mass from the north that will especially affect the extreme north of the country.
Heavy showers in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands
On the other hand, it will be a stable week in most of the country, although a carousel of fronts will leave rain to the north. This Tuesday, a front associated with an Atlantic circulation will bring abundant cloudiness and precipitation, especially in Galicia, the Cantabrian Sea and the Pyrenees.
The rains will be intense in the northeast of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, and it is not ruled out that they will dispersely affect areas close to the south. In the Pyrenees, this precipitation could turn into snow from 1,300-1,500 meters, according to the forecasts of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET).
Temperatures will drop practically across the boardbut most notably the highs in northeastern Catalonia. On the contrary, slight increases are expected in the western Canary Islands and Alborán. The frosts will extend through the northern mountain systems, being moderate in the Pyrenees. It will be warmer in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (25 degrees), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (24) and Murcia (23), and colder in Pamplona (10) and Huesca, León, Lugo, Valladolid and Zamora (11).
On Wednesday, rain is expected in the northeast and the Balearic Islands, favored by a trough at altitude. Both on Thursday and Friday the anticyclone would approach the peninsula again, so it is expected that they will be mostly stable days, although the rains will persist in the extreme north due to weaker fronts, advances.
The weather on the weekend
For the December Long Weekend, a radical change of time. On Saturday, a first front will enter Galiciaadvancing with rains along the extreme north of the peninsula. Behind this front, andOn Sunday, rainfall will intensify in the north of Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, the Basque Country, Navarra, the Pyrenees and other northern areas such as Castilla y León, La Rioja and Aragónindicates the meteorological portal.
In addition to the rains, The drop in temperatures will be notable, accompanied by a significant drop in the snow level. According to the latest forecasts, Snow could begin to fall early Sunday morning and spread throughout the day. The heaviest snowfall would be concentrated in the Pyrenees, where the level could drop to 500 meters, while in other areas of the northern peninsula, such as the Cantabrian Mountains and the Iberian System, snowfall is expected from 700-800 meters.