The last weekend of 2024 arrives under the influence of an anticyclone, with persistent fog in many areas of the interior of the peninsula. Five communities are on yellow alert this Friday due to fog that will disappear in the early hours of the morning and that in the case of Castilla y León they will leave a visibility of 100 meters, according to the prediction of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET).
In addition to Castilla y León, the following regions are under yellow warning due to fog: Aragon, Galicia, Castilla-La Mancha and Catalonia. In large areas of the plateau in Castilla y León and also in the north of Burgos and in Bierzo de León, the visibility due to the fog will be 100 meters and they can be freezing and windy, Meteorology warns. In the center of Lugo (Galicia), south of Huesca (Aragon), Tajo Valley (Toledo) and Guadiana (Ciudad Real) and the Lleida depression (Catalonia), visibility due to fog will be 200 meters.
On the other hand, The Andalusian province of Cádiz is on notice due to wind and rough seas. On the Cádiz coast and the Strait area, in Andalusia, coastal phenomena are expected due to easterly winds of 50 to 61 km/h (force 7), occasionally of 52 to 74 km/h (force 8). In those areas on yellow alert due to winds and sea storms, maximum gusts of 80 km/h are expected.
Regarding temperatures, maximum temperatures will tend to increase in the Pyrenean environment. At the same time, light descents will predominate in the rest of the Peninsula, which will be more pronounced in the mountains. The minimums will decrease in the eastern half of the peninsula, with few changes in the rest. According to the state agency, The provincial capitals with the lowest minimum forecast will be Granada with -3ºC; and Cuenca with -2ºC. In the Canary Islands, the instability is expected to subside, although some isolated showers may still occur on the most prominent islands.
During the weekend the stable weather will continue, with very little rain that is only expected in the extreme north of the peninsula. Temperatures will continue to drop and frosts will gain intensity and extent, affecting a good part of the central plateaus and moors. Cities like Burgos, Palencia or Teruel will drop to -3ºC and it will drop to 0ºC in Madrid capital. In large areas of the interior, fog banks will continue, which will be persistent especially in parts of the northern plateau. The probability of this occurring will be greater on the northern plateau, but cannot be ruled out in parts of the interior of Catalonia and eastern Aragon. The atmosphere will be very cold in these areas during the day on Sunday and it may not even reach 5ºC in the central hours of the day.
Possible DANA
On Monday and Tuesday, days before New Year’s Eve, anticyclonic conditions will continue, with cold temperatures and the presence of fog in many inland areas. Frosts will also continue, especially in the center and north of the peninsula. Precipitation will be scarce except for some weak rain in parts of the Cantabrian Sea and the Mediterranean coast. The AEMET does not rule out that a DANA will leave some more intense rain showers around the Gulf of Cádiz, although it warns that in general terms they will not have major consequences. Starting Wednesday, January 1, 2025, The arrival of fronts is expected in Galicia and the Cantabrian Sea, which could bring rain and an increase in temperatures, as well as a decrease in frost.