WhatsApp has become one of the channels most used by Spaniards to receive information. We use this tool more and more to be aware of what is happening, to know the latest news and, at the same time, to share it with our friends, acquaintances and family. For this reason, LA RAZÓN has opened its own WhatsApp channel to keep you up to date with current events and don't miss anything that happens around you. You can subscribe for free and you will receive the latest news, the best videos and a selection of the most interesting news and reports through the most used messaging application in the world.
To subscribe to the LA RAZÓN WhatsApp channel you just have to click on this link clicking on the “Continue” option at the end of the entire process.
The channels are a one-way broadcast tool for administrators to send text, photos, videos, stickers, and surveys in the most private way possible for you. To do this, the first step is to protect the personal information of both administrators and followers. This way, when you follow a channel, your phone number will not be revealed to the administrator or other followers. You decide who to follow and this choice is private.
Besides, WhatsApp only stores channel history on its servers for a maximum of 30 days and we'll add ways to make news disappear even faster on followers' devices. The
Therefore, LA RAZÓN does not have the possibility of accessing the telephone number or any data of the people who decide to join our channel.in the same way as among those who enter, that information is not visible either.
Click here to join our WhatsApp channel
How to subscribe to this service from WhatsApp? It is only necessary to click on the “News” button that the tool has on the left in its lower menu if you do it from your mobile phone or “Channels” if it is through your computer's browser. There you can search for the LA RAZÓN channel and subscribe for free and activate notifications, which is the best way to stay up to date with all the news. These notifications will notify you every time a new post is shared and you can turn them off at any time.
Through this channel we will send you a daily selection of the best news in the morning, the most interesting opinion articles, including that of the newspaper's director, Francisco Marhuenda, as well as breaking news, the best reports and any information that Let's consider that it may be useful to you.