Renewable energies are still on the European Union. The photovoltaic generation exceeded coal for the first time last year, while wind was imposed for the second consecutive year of gas.
This is collected by an Ember Energy Think Tank Analysis published a few days ago. The report shows that solar energy generated 11% of the electricity of the twenty -seven, while coal fell below 10% for the first time. For its part, wind energy was imposed for the second consecutive year of gas.
According to Chris Rosslowe, Ember analyst and main author of the report, the panorama is radically different from that of 2019, the year in which the EU approved the European Green Pact. Then, “gas and coal were located as the second and third energy source in the Mix, and the fall of the latter, the most polluting energy, has relegated it to sixth place.”
In the opinion of the author of the report, “fossil fuels are losing their domain in EU energy.” Six years ago, few thought that EU’s energy transition could be where it is today. “CO2 emissions of the energy sector have fallen by half compared to the peak they reached in 2007, while renewables already generate almost half of Electricity in the EU.
Record for photovoltaic in Spain
The rise of solar energy is “meteoric”, according to Ember. This energy grows in all countries of the Union, while in half of them coal is residual or represents less than 5% in the energy mix.
In Spain, photovoltaic has also reached a record, passing in just twelve months of 17% (2023) to generate 21% in 2024, almost double the European average (11%). With these data, Spain records the greatest growth of this energy for the second consecutive year.
In addition, our country is like the third with the greatest photovoltaic energy proportion, in its electric mix, behind Hungary and Greece and the second in total generation, only surpassed by Germany.
Europe saves almost 60,000 million
The wind and solar deployment has allowed the EU not to depend so much on energy imports from extra -community countries. Ember estimates that Europe has stopped importing 92,000 million cubic meters of gas and 55 million tons of coal, saving 59,000 million euros.
In the opinion of Beatrice Petrovich, Ember’s analyst, this lower dependence on imports has reduced, “the vulnerability of the countries of the Union for the purposes of fossil fuel crises” and also the use of alternative energy sources, will allow to the twenty -seven “deal with the effects of the climatic crisis and supply affordable energy to their homes and companies.”
World Day for Reduction of CO2 emissions
The data collected in the report are very significant and show that Europe and the 27 are doing their duties regarding emission reduction and fighting global warming.
A good way to commemorate the day of action against land warming, also called the reduction of CO2 emissions, which is celebrated today throughout the world.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the main greenhouse gases responsible for global warming, along with others such as methane, nitrous oxides and other gases such as chlorofluorocarbonades. Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation and some industrial processes, have significantly increased CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere since the industrial revolution. This increase has led to accelerated climate change, with consequences for the environment, biodiversity and human beings.
Reducing these emissions is essential to face the effects of climate change. This reduction is a global challenge that requires everyone’s collaboration. The sectors either individually, from the business and institutional field.
Success cases
Good data from the Spanish energy sector show that energy companies, among other actors, are evolving towards a realistic and environmental energy transition.
Naturgy is a good example of this. As noted in the last memory of the energy company in 2023, of the total invested, more than 60% was mainly allocated to the development of renewable generation projects and the development of networks, “committed as they are with the solvency of a model of a model of sustainable business and the creation of long -term value in favor of the planet ”.
The company is committed to the development of the value chain of renewable gases such as biomethane and hydrogen. It also enhances investments in their electricity distribution networks, the objective is that the transformation of the network contributes very significantly to the advance towards the decarbonization of the economy.
Likewise, and aligned with its social commitment in the fight against climate change, it promotes training projects that favor local employment and the adoption of agreements and alliances with various local groups, as well as professional training, oriented towards the so -called green jobs.
The awards support its management, the company has been recognized by the European Parliament, as a healthy company for its professionals for its health, well -being and sports strategy, or as has been happening since 2014 as one of the best companies to work in Spain. This certification, granted by the Top Employers Institute, places the company as one of the most outstanding companies for its strategy and talent initiatives in people management.