Police of the Canary Islands are forced to carry out foreigners that do not correspond to them

In July 2023 there was a reform in the structure of the territorial services of the National Police that ended with foreigners and documentation units (EUED), as they were conceived until that time. To understand each other, these units were dealing with The ID expedition, Pasapportes, Tie de Foreignersas well as other foreigners. However, from that date there is a unfolding that, in theory, would fully affect the templates.

As explained from the Spanish Police Confederation (CEP), on the one hand the documentation units are created, which They become dependent on the upper leaders and that they are responsible for the work of that area (DNI, passports and tie). And on the other, foreign units are established, which depend on the General Police Station of Aliens and Borders and whose mission focuses only and exclusively on that police.

You have to point out, as reported from this union, that “They change the standard but maintain the same number of troops, without increasing them”. And it is not the only problem, since some superior leaders, such as that of the Canary Islands, They force the documentation units to continue “doing everything”what “frustrates the police.” And all this before the neglect of the General Directorate of the Police (DGP) and the Ministry of Interior, outside the migratory drama that ravages the islands.

Lack of clear instructions

The agents denounce that, according to the new regulations of 2023, they must dedicate themselves “only to the issuance of documents and Leave the tasks of foreigners in the hands of the brigades“However, in sites such as the Canary Police Headquarters, it continues to work as usual.”The only change in these units has been the name of your name Because the guidelines of the order int 859/2023 have remained on wet paper, “they regret.

In the specific case of Santa Lucía de Tirajana, the documentation division recalled that its tasks, according to current regulations, are limited to the issuance of DNI, passports and tie. However, from the upper leadership they insisted that “You must also continue the tasks of the foreigner area”.

For all these reasons, from the Spanish Police Confederation they have demanded that the DGP take letters in the matter and imparts “clear instructions” to the templateswith the aim of ending the “interpretive criteria of some.”

Complaint before the General Directorate of the Police

In its brief, the CEP states that the Documentation Unit of Santa Lucía de Tirajana not only makes DNI, passports and tie -Comometids typical of its functional scope – but also, that, in addition, He has continued to carry out Nie and Certificates of Citizens of the European Unionwhich are part of the functional field of foreigners and borders.

At this point, he points out that although the Superior Police Headquarters of the Canary Islands, through its General Secretariat, raised consultation to the Documentation Division, continues to maintain that “despite the change operated in the norm and the differentiated distribution of powers and dependence Functional with respect to the previous scenario, the tasks of the foreigner area They must continue to be assumed by the Documentation Unit and not on the part of the border brigade of Las Palmas “.

From the union they consider that this same situation may have extended to other templates, so they consider necessary establish clearly the guidelines that allow to comply with the provisions of the order int 859/2023. In this way, they add, “interpretive criteria in each of the territorial services of the Corporation” would be avoided.