Oscar Pistorius’ ex-sister-in-law breaks down after seeing his new girlfriend: “You must be sick!”

The love life of Oscar Pistorius has become the protagonist of a great controversy in recent days. Former South African Paralympic champion Oscar Pistorius was released from prison last January after more than a decade in prison for killing his girlfriend Reeve Steenkamp. Pistorius, on bail, shot Steenkamp multiple times through the bathroom door of his home on Valentine’s Day 2013. He was eventually convicted of murder in 2014 and sentenced to 13 years and five months in prison.

Now the double amputee nicknamed ‘Blade Runner’ pHe seems to see the light of day with a new love that has left everyone shocked by his incredible resemblance to the model he took the life of.

She is a business management consultant from Wakkerstroom in Mpumulanga and a long-time family friend. Sources close to the couple have confirmed to Netwerk24 that Pistorius and Greyling are in a romantic relationship, although the details are kept strictly private.

After the relationship became public, Oscar Pistorius’ new girlfriend received a harsh warning from her victim’s mother, who alerted her that Pistorius still suffers from anger problems.

Reeva’s grieving mother decided to speak out against Pistorius, hoping that his new girlfriend would not suffer the same fate.

“I don’t understand how she doesn’t see a red flag about him because he hasn’t lost his temper problem.” He stated in statements collected by The Sun.

“He was supposed to be on anger management treatment when he was in prison, but he wasn’t. He remains a danger to women. “Reeva only knew him for three months, she’s dead and he never confessed,” he sentenced.

Is he that sick?

Now it’s the turn of the sister of the deceased who has been horrified by this relationship. Simone admits she cried when reading the story of Oscar’s new love.

‘I look at the photographs of this woman and I get goosebumps and I feel chills running down my spine. What surprises me is that she looks so much like my Reeva. He has the same complexion, the same face and the same hair, even the same eyes. “Are you sick enough to want to find someone who looks like you?” he told Daily Mail.

‘I have to wonder if after having killed ReevaDid you want to replace it with another one? ‘I also have to wonder how a woman can close her eyes at night and go to sleep with a man she knows fired four bullets that mutilated the flesh of a woman he claims to have loved. Those bullets were Black Talon bullets, which are illegal to use even on animals, but he put one bullet in my Reeva’s head and three more in her body that did terrible things. How can you hug a man who you know has that trigger lurking inside him?“he adds.

A harsh warning

“This shows me even more that he doesn’t feel any remorse for what he did to Reeva. Reeva found Oscar totally charming at first for the first three months and no doubt the same goes for this woman, but then he changes and becomes more controlling. He became very possessive and Reeva wanted to break up with him, but Oscar wouldn’t allow it. I will always be convinced that she ended the relationship that night and he lost all control. If he couldn’t have her, no one could, so he grabbed his gun and shot her. He murdered her. They were special bullets that expanded upon impact with human flesh. This new woman knows that a judge found him guilty of murder, which means “He must know that he has been found capable of doing that to a woman, but she sleeps with him?” Pictorius’s heartbroken ex-sister-in-law continues to explain.

“I have nothing against her, but I will warn you to sleep with one eye open. “He has the potential within him to do again what he did to Reeva and I don’t want that to ever happen again,” he concluded.