Now you can play Doom in Microsoft Word

Doomoriginally released by Software id in 1993is one of the most influential video games in history. Not only because of the innovations he brought -in technology, design, distribution form and modding capabilities -but for Its lasting cultural impact. This continues three decades later, not only because the franchise is still alive and in good shape, but for the fans of some people to operate the iconic game in the most diverse devices. In recent years, Doom has been running, among others, in digital tests of pregnancies, printers, calculators, digital cameras, on a request screen in a McDonaldsATMs, the Notes Windows and even in a PDF document. In that way, yes, but it worked. And now we have a new home for Doom: Microsoft Word.

This playable doom in the Microsoft text processor is available for download in the user Wojciech-Graj account in GITHUBbut you must keep in mind that You have to enable VBA macros and ignore Word safety warnings to make it workaccording to The Verge.

When the VBA macros (Visual Basic for Applications) are activated in Microsoft Word, the program allows scripts or code fragments to be executed written in the VBA language within the document or application. This, although it serves to automate tasks, also It is a risk of security for the possibility of a malicious code being executed. For that reason, VBA macros are Default by default in Word and it is necessary to activate them manually, something that is only recommended If you fully trust the code to be executed.

To play with this doom, you will also need a recent version of Word and Windows running on a computer with An X64 processor -With 64-bit architecture-. The file *.Docm Weighs 6.6 MB, contains a library called doomgeneric_docm.dll and the file doom1.wad. Once it opens, a macro extracts all the data from the game and executes them.

If you wonder how it is possible that a program like Word shows graphics of a video game running in real time, the truth is that A little trap ago. The DLL bookstore Create a bits map image for each game framewhich is what Word shows. The effect works and the control system, which uses the arrows of the keyboard to move in the game, too. The biggest paste is the lack of sound.