The weekend before the Christmas holidays will be dominated by anticyclonic and stable weather in most of the country, according to Rubén del Campo, spokesperson for the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET). Lightly cloudy skies will predominate, although the northerly winds, driven by the anticyclone located in the Atlantic, will bring humidity and precipitation to the north of the peninsula. The holidays of December 24 and 25 are presented with mostly clear skies and little precipitation. Temperatures will be cold, typical of the season, with a winter atmosphere in many areas of the country.
Prediction for the weekend
This Fridaythe anticyclone will prevail and due to its position in the Atlantic, it will drive northerly winds towards the Peninsula, which will blow with intensity in points in the north and east, as well as in the Balearic Islands. It will rain in the Cantabrian Sea and the Pyrenees, with snowfall from 800-1,000 meters. In the rest of the country, the weather will be stable, although with a general drop in temperatures, especially in the Mediterranean area.
He sSaturday and Sunday will maintain this trend. Although stability will be the norm in much of the territory, The rains will persist in the Cantabrian Sea and the Pyrenees, with snowfall at higher levels, around 1,500 meters. In the Canary Islands, A DANA (Isolated High Level Depression) will increase instability, with rains that could be heavy and persistent, especially on Sunday.
In the south of Andalusia, DANA itself could cause isolated showers, more likely in the Strait area, while in the rest of the country the weekend will be mostly sunny. Temperatures will tend to rise slightly on Sunday, with values close to 20°C in parts of the southeast of the peninsula.
Start of the week with rain, snow and haze
The week will still start with rain in the Canary Islands. Although they could still be locally strong at dawn, Del Campo has advanced that they will subside. On the other hand, he has pointed out that suspended dust will enter, which will give rise to haze. In the Balearic Islands, the proximity of an area of low pressure will lead to showers, especially in Menorca and Mallorca. On the Peninsula, a front will leave precipitation in the Cantabrian Sea, the Pyrenees and Alto Ebro, with snowfall from 1,200 meters, or 800-1,000 meters in the Pyrenees. The north winds will bring a notable drop in temperatures, although in the southeast, such as Alicante or Murcia, they will reach 20°C.
Christmas Eve and Christmas: stable weather with cold nights and fog
The influence of the anticyclone will guarantee stable weather for December 24 and 25 in almost the entire country. Although there could still be some showers in the Balearic Islands and in the north of the more mountainous Canary Islands, the rest of Spain will enjoy clear skies. During these days, heNight temperatures will be lower, with weak frosts in inland and mountain During the day, temperatures will rise slightly in most regions, except in areas affected by persistent fog, such as the northern plateau and the Ebro basin, where the environment will remain cold. In addition, the presence of haze is expected in the Canary Islands due to the entry of suspended dust, especially during Christmas Eve.
Possible instability in the Mediterranean
Starting on Thursday, December 26, the weather will remain stable in most of the territory thanks to the dominance of the Atlantic anticyclone. However, Some models point to possible instability in the Mediterranean area, with localized rains in that area. Temperatures will not experience major changes, with night frosts in the interior and slightly cold values during the central hours of the day in areas affected by fog.