Naturgy Foundation rewards the best social initiative in the energy field

Naturgy Foundation has opened the call for the VI edition of its ‘Award for the best social initiative in the energy field’, with which it seeks to recognize and give visibility to the people, entities and institutions that stand out for their contribution in the social field thanks to their energy-related projects. This edition has substantially increased its recognition, with an economic endowment for the first prize of 100,000 euros, 50,000 euros for second place and up to 8 awards of 10,000 euros for the finalist projects. Applications can be submitted on the Naturgy Foundation website until February 28, 2025. All projects developed in Spain, underway or completed, that involve social improvements related to energy, in the areas of vulnerability, health, education, social inclusion, entrepreneurship or environment, among others.

María Eugenia Coronado, general director of the Naturgy Foundation, explains that “this award is the result of Natrugy’s determined commitment to address energy vulnerability as a whole. This year we reaffirm our commitment by increasing the financial allocation linked to this initiative, to contribute to the financing of a greater number of social projects, which undoubtedly translates into a greater number of people benefiting.”

The award jury is chaired by Manuel Bretón, president of Cáritas Española, who stated that “This recognition from the Naturgy Foundation is a huge boost for the initiatives that are presentedalso for those that do not win an award, since it is a platform for knowledge and dissemination of the important social work carried out in our country and its notable impact and, therefore, for finding synergies, strengthening ties and promoting networking. ”.

Five editions and 338 applications

During the five previous editions, 338 applications have been received with an impact on more than a million beneficiaries. The winning initiatives in previous editions were the Responsible Energy Foundation, for its national initiative focused on guaranteeing access to energy for vulnerable families with a program to combat energy poverty; Spanish Red Cross, for its comprehensive project to care for people who are at risk of extreme poverty and exclusion; the Energy Without Borders ‘Access to Energy’ project; ‘Plugged into employment’, by the Exit Foundation; ‘Contribute to the social improvement of the most vulnerable in Spain, through training’ and ‘Not a home without energy’, from the Ecology and Development Foundation (Ecodes).

For its part, in the Accésit category, Cáritas Diocesana of Madrid received recognition for a project that encompasses actions aimed at reducing the environmental impact of the entity’s work with people in situations of exclusion; the project “First sustainable shelter in Spain with Passivhaus certificate for people with disabilities”, by CÍRVITE-Plena Inclusion; ‘Generating the future’, from the Norte Joven Association; ‘Comprehensive help for energy vulnerability’, by Fundació Roure; and the ‘Family Financial Education and Energy Poverty’ programs, of the Isadora Duncan Single Parent Families Foundation.

As a novelty in this edition, for the first time the projects of the finalist entities will have financial recognition.