More than three years after its launch, the market share of Windows 11 It’s not going too well. At the end of 2024, according to Statcounter data, it had a 34%while that of Windows 10 almost double ittoa few months after celebrating ten years after its launch, with a 62%. This situation is very different from what Windows 10 presented three years after its launch in 2015. In 2018, it was practically equal to Windows 7which he surpassed the following year. Windows 8 I was then in a 5%according to data from NetMarketShare.
With this panorama, it is logical that Microsoft takes measures to push the adoption of its operating system. One has been known for a long time and is the end of support for the popular operating system this year, on October 14. This means that you will no longer receive updates of any kind and that each time you will be more exposed to Internet threats. The date is close, but Microsoft offers the option to sign up for its Extended security updatesESU, and pay $30 to have one more year of support that will not be extended. If you are a business customer, you will pay more, $61 for one year, but you can extend it for 3, until 2028.
But this is not the only problem that Windows 10 users are facing. Microsoft has made a change to the support documentation that indicates that The Microsoft 365 office suite will follow a similar path.
‘Microsoft 365 apps will no longer be supported starting October 14, 2025 on Windows 10 devices. To use Microsoft 365 apps on your device, you’ll need to upgrade to Windows 11‘, explains Microsoft.
The statement suggests that programs like words, Excel and company will stop working on Windows 10 computers, but this is not the case. In another support post it notes that ‘after that date, If you use Microsoft 365 on a Windows 10 device, apps will continue to work as before. However, we strongly recommend upgrading to Windows 11 to avoid performance and reliability issues over time.’
Therefore, you will be able to continue using the apps in the office suite, but without security updates or new features. Microsoft has not announced any extension of paid support for Microsoft 365, but it could do the same as with Windows 10.