Marlaska categorically denies that the National Police advised prosecutor García Ortiz on the deletion of data from his mobile phone.

The Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaskahas been blunt after the information that pointed to the possible involvement of the Computer Security Brigade of the National Police in the case of the data leak of the partner of the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso. Sharp and concise, the minister has asserted that this brigade “has not advised on anything” to the attorney general, Álvaro García Ortiz, and added: “I am not aware of that contact with the Prosecutor’s Office.”

In this way, he tried to clear up any hint of doubt about a possible involvement of his department in a matter that, in Grande-Marlaska’s opinion, seems to ignore the most important thing. During his interview on “RNE mornings”, the head of the Interior has downplayed the leaks to emphasize that the only thing that was revealed is that Ayuso’s partner, Alberto González Amador, “had supposedly committed two crimes against the public treasury and one crime of forgery in a commercial document, recognized for their own defense”.

Some facts, the minister continued, that were transmitted to the media by Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, as recognized by “Ayuso’s right hand man.” For all this, Grande-Marlaska asks: “What is there after that? As far as I know, the Prosecutor’s Office says in a press release that This agreement was not requested by the Prosecutor’s Office but by the defense of Ayuso’s partner“In short, consider that, even if this information was subsequently passed by email, there is no “revelation of secrets”.

And at this point, drawing on his experience as a magistrate, the head of the Interior wanted to highlight that for there to be an agreement or conformity, the person must have recognized and admitted the facts before, which is why he suggests that González Amador assumed his guilt in order to reach an agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office.

Transfer of borders to the Mossos

On the other hand, already in the political field and in the face of strong pressure from Junts on Pedro Sánchez’s Executive so that he can carry out the Budgets, the Minister of the Interior did not want to give details of the negotiations and has asked to be “cautious” until that the negotiation be concluded, since “it is not convenient to give much more information.” However, he has dropped that “he is not aware” that Carles Puigdemont’s have demanded the transfer of border control to the Mossos d’Esquadra.

Nor has he wanted to enter into the thorny issue of transfer of powers to Cataloniaspecifically in immigration matteras Junts has repeatedly demanded. While the independentists recognized that that issue is “aground”the head of the Interior has closed his mind so as not to elaborate on it and has limited himself to explaining that “negotiations are taking place in all the areas that are within the investiture agreement of President Pedro Sánchez last year.” Grande-Marlaska wanted to convey “tranquility”, since the Executive is governed by the “constitutional framework and in accordance with our legal system.” Thus, he recalled that in terms of transfers there are some in which the Constitution itself establishes “the exclusive competence of the State” and that includes border control.

And the minister has also left aside the issue of the question of trust raised by Junts and which precisely yesterday was put on hold again, as a gesture by the PSOE with Puigdemont’s team to avoid breaking up the negotiations.

Calls the PP “xenophobic”

Because, beyond Junts, the issue of immigration and the distribution of minors has given a lot during his intervention. The minister stated that, today, the number of unaccompanied minors who are under the guardianship of the Canary Islands is close to 6,000. And here he has taken the opportunity to charge against the PP, which he accuses of maintaining an “absolute will to hinder the correct management of the protection of minors for partisan and foreign purposes of a party that aspires to be a government party”.

Thus, he has indicated that while the Canarian president, Fernando Clavijo, committed to reforming article 35 of the Immigration Law to adopt a distribution of minors with “parameters of solidarity”, the leadership of his party itself opposes for partisan purposes. “How are we going to ask Europe to be supportive if we as a country are not capable of applying that solidarity?” Grande-Marlaska asked.

On the other hand, given the accusations that the Government “makes up the data”, the minister has directly accused the right and the extreme right for “xenophobia” and for “infusing with hoaxes” a distorted reality that does not correspond to the reality that happens. “The data is not disguised, it is what it is and is transferred objectively,” he concludes.

Criticism of Mazón’s words about Gaza

The Minister of the Interior has reacted to the controversial words of the Valencian president, Carlos Mazón, regarding aid from Gaza: “It seems to me maximum immorality of a political leaderthat on October 29 we do not know where he was or what he was doing while his community was going through one of the most tragic episodes in its history. What can we expect from an immoral person, who generates a worrying feeling of impunity. “You can say outrageous things without any consequences.”

In this sense, Grande-Marlaska has shown his displeasure at the fact that The PP leadership has not censored these statements and on the contrary, he has supported them with a message on networks, which the head of the Interior has described as “pure xenophobia”. For this reason, he has concluded that the “borders between PP and Vox do not exist. They articulate hoaxes and misinformation, with xenophobic terms” and total “impunity.”