With the advancement of technologies, the rise of social networks is impressive. So much so that we spend many hours in front of the phone either talking with the person we like, sharing funny content or uploading unforgettable images and moments.
In Spain, according to Statista data, the most used social networks in 2024 were: firstly, the music platform Spotifywith an average of 100 minutes listened to per day; secondly the platform TikTokwith 86 minutes of average time per day; and the third is WhatsAppwith 84 minutes of average daily use.
How to know who your partner talks to the most on WhatsApp?
The account specialized in technology and applications @Celitatipsprovides some tips that you didn’t know about the main social networks and other platforms. In this case, explain how to look at who else your partner talks to.
The video begins by explaining the steps one by one. “You enter WhatsApp and in the lower right corner you will Configuration/adjustmentsthen you have to click on the section where it says Storage and data. Once inside you click on Storage management and there the chats of the people you talk to the most will appear. If you click on any of these chats, even the images and videos sent with this person will appear.”
Other WhatsApp tricks that you may not have known about
The trick of reading messages without them knowing
The web version It has fewer functions, but in exchange it offers some features that are not available on mobile phones. One is power use keyboard shortcuts and speed up many tasks when using WhatsApp. Another is the preview that allows the user to access the content of a message and see it without having to open the conversation. This is an alternative to other ways to read WhatsApp messages in the mobile app without the sender knowing that this was the case.
The way to do it is very simple and it is not necessary to modify any application settings. In WhatsApp Web, chat tabs are displayed in a column on the left sidewhile most of the screen shows the conversation that is currently selected.
All the user has to do is move the mouse pointer over a conversation that is not selected and contains messages that have not been accessed, without clicking. WhatsApp will show a window with the full text of the last message received.
How to hide the “typing” notice
The easiest way is to use the airplane mode inside the phone. You have to open the conversation in which you want to send the message. Activate airplane mode and then write the message. You can also disable WiFi either mobile data. Once you have the message written, turn off airplane mode so that the message reaches the person.