From polar ice to areas with volcanoes: they capture the surface of Mars from Puerto Rico

In an impressive image, one of the astrophotographers of the Caribbean Astronomy Society (SAC) managed to capture a photograph that shows notable details of the surface of Marsbetter known as the “red planet”.

According to the educational entity, Efrain Morales He used a 12-inch diameter telescope from his residence in Aguadilla and, with that instrument, he managed to photograph some aspects of the Martian surface that They include the ice at the planet’s north pole, dark areas with sediment deposits and ancient volcanic lava, plains or valleys, and even areas with volcanoes.

According to the SAC, the areas visible in the image include the areas that have been called Utopia Rupes, Herschel and Al Qahira Vallis.

“As we orbit the Sun, about every two years, or 26 months to be more specific, Mars approaches Earth, and this year it will make its closest approach on January 12, when it will be 58 million miles from our planet. . That is why it currently looks somewhat bright and some details can be seen through telescopes,” the organization explained in written statements.

The educational entity also reported that, Starting at 8:30 p.m., space fans will be able to observe the planet at a reasonable elevation above the east-northeast horizon and it will be easy to distinguish due to its peculiar somewhat orange color.

Likewise, the SAC highlighted that, during these nights, another planet will also be notable in the sky. This is Venus, which looks bright towards the west.

The organization added that it will soon announce, on its Facebook page, which days the public will be able to observe these planets for free through the entity’s telescopes.