Chatbots Offer Inaccurate, Misleading Answers About US Elections, Report Says

NY — In the midst of the presidential primary season in USApopular chatbots are generating false and misleading information that threatens to disenfranchise voters, according to a report released Tuesday, based on findings from experts in artificial intelligence and from a bipartisan group of election officials.

Fifteen states and one territory will hold Democratic and Republican presidential primaries next week on Super Tuesday, and millions of people are already turning to artificial intelligence chatbots to ask how their electoral process works and other basic information.

Trained with texts taken from Internetchatbots like GPT-4 and Geminiof Googleare prepared to offer AI-generated answers, but They are prone to suggesting voters go to voting centers that do not exist or to invent meaningless answers that are based on reused or outdated information, according to the study.

“Chatbots are not ready for prime time when it comes to providing important, detailed information about elections,” said Philadelphia Republican City Commissioner Seth Bluestein, who along with other election officials and AI researchers conducted tests on chatbots on last month as part of a larger research project.