Capcom’s fighting game collections are also coming to Xbox consoles

After announcing ‘Capcom Fighting Collection 2’ and ‘Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics‘ for PC, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation, the Japanese publisher has finally confirmed that both collections They can also be played on consoles Xbox. At the moment there are no known deadlines for the arrival of both to the Microsoft environment, however, they make it clear that the plans will not be the same.

In a post on X (Twitter), the company assures that the launch on Xbox One is guaranteed thanks to the technical solutions that they have studied with the owner of the video game system. However, as its programming has started late compared to the other versions, the packages of the attractive fighting titles They will end up coming out sometime in 2025.

MT Framework Compatibility Fix

So far, it is not clear what the technical reason is that has prevented Capcom from advertising its collections for the console. Although the initial theory was that Xbox was not ready to receive titles created with MT Framework, this has not prevented ‘Ace Attorney Investigations Collection‘ will come to the console using the same technology.

The first of the collections that the publisher plans to put on the market is ‘Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics‘, that will arrive on September 12thThis volume will give players the chance to relive some of the greatest classics to emerge from the Japanese brand’s partnership with the famous comic book publisher in the 1990s.

Check out the available games

‘X-Men Children of the Atom’;

‘Marvel Super Heroes’;

‘X-Men vs. Street Fighter’;

‘Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter’;

‘Marvel vs. Capcom Clash of Super Heroes’;

‘Marvel vs. Capcom 2 New Age of Heroes’;

‘The Punisher’;

From the arm of SNK

In 2025, it will be the turn of ‘Fighting Collection 2‘, which promises Several well-known games rescued from the 2000s. The highlights are the two chapters of the ‘Power Stone’ series and the two classics resulting from the collaboration that the Japanese developer established with SNK, considered at the time to be one of its greatest rivals.

‘Capcom Fighting Evolution’;

‘Capcom vs SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001’;

‘Capcom vs SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 Pro’;

‘Plasma Sword: Nightmare of Bilstein’;

‘Power Stone’;

‘Power Stone 2’;

‘Project Justice’;

‘Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper’;