The April Fair is an Andalusian tradition that goes back decades and is expected this month, but like May water. The problem is that, throughout these days, since 2022, the hashtag #PapaGorda has become famous, with which people in a state of intoxication are tagged, obviously without their consent, which constitutes a violation of privacy laws. How to avoid this?
The greatest difficulty has to do with the ease and speed with which images circulate on the Internet. And, by the time we discover that we are in them, it is already too late. To fight this, Youforgetmea coincidentally Andalusian startup, has launched an application (eWink) that allows exercise control over our digital footprint and the possible existence of unknown images shared by third parties on the network.
The application uses technologies such as facial recognition and image search to crawl the content on websites and networks in order to discover where our photos are published.
With this data, eWink shows where the images have been published publicly and allows us to determine if we want them to be deleted, stating that they violate our privacy. It is a Free app available for Android and iOS and works as a determining tool when reporting cases such as the aforementioned #PapaGorda, but also other much more common cases such as cyberbullying.
The application can be used by anyone over 16 years of age or representing minor third partiesas long as the link can be legally proven.It must be taken into account that, to request the fingerprint, a photograph of an official document is requested. This has an objective, they explain from eWink: “to ensure that no one requests your fingerprint report for you, unless they have your authorization. “You must also validate the mobile phone number and email address to ensure that it is you who receives your fingerprint report and not a third party who wants to obtain information about this fingerprint.”
In the report we will receive will be everything that is public on the Internet about us: name, usernames, email accounts and photographs. The more information we provide, the more precise the search will be and the more information we will obtain.
According to eWink you can “delete all content that refers to our personal data (image, name and surname, identification, postal or email address, telephone number…) and you can identify yourself, provided that it has been published without your consent, if the purpose for which you consented to the processing of that data no longer exists or if the data is outdated or not relevant.”