A modification in the National Police regulations has caused agents of certain police stations to charge less than before despite having the same functions. And is that the organic reform promoted by the General Directorate of the Police (DGP), which entered into force in July 2023, has meant A decrease in amount by productivity For agents assigned to the Customs and Customs Cooperation Center (CCPA) of Hendaya/Irún. Thus, where before They received 101.98 euros, now receive 85.65 euros (16.1% less).
In full struggle for salary equalization with the rest of the autonomous police, it is paradoxical that regulations do not stop harming national police. From the Spanish Police Confederation (CEP) denounce that this situation occurs after Entrance in force of order int 859/2023norm that generated significant changes in the structure of the joint police stations and the CCPA, affecting both their organization and The remuneration of the officials.
In a letter to the personnel division of the General Directorate of the Police, this union indicates that the agents who serve this police station receive a Functional documentation productivity of 34.18 euros and a supplement of 51.47 euros turnery. A figure lower than the one they received before the modification of the catalog of jobs and that amounted to 101.98 euros. However, that figure also does not coincide with what the agents perceive in the rest of the joint police stations in Spain, which charge a productivity of 70.03 euros and another documentation of 35.03 euros.
No response from the police dome
And in the midst of this unequal figures, the response of The police dome has been absolute indifference. Although the CEP requested “to know the criteria that justifies the allocation of the functional productivity of documentation instead of the foreigner”, from the personnel division they are limited to stating that the officials dependent on this new template and that they were previously intended in The Local Brigade of Irún foreigners and borders, receive the same amounts as police officers from the rest of the joint police stations.
Specifically, they point out that “within that unit and as in the rest of the joint police stations of the same territorial entity, they have associated a foreigner productivity for an amount of 70.03 euros and documentation for an amount of 35.03 euros, That is the same functional productivity that other police officers have of the Local Police Station of Irún, with the exception of the operational units of the Local Brigade of Immigration and Borders.
A controversial and contradictory norm
Since the Spanish Police Confederation have already warned that This decision will resort to judicially. Not surprisingly, it must be remembered that this same regulation is the one that has caused police to carry out foreigners that do not correspond to them. This is the case of the Canary Islands, where agents denounce that, according to the new regulations of 2023, they must dedicate themselves “only to the issuance of documents and leave the tasks of foreigners in the hands of the brigades.” However, in places such as the Canary Police Headquarters of Police, it continues to work as always. “The only change in those units has been the name of its name because The guidelines of the order int 859/2023 have remained on wet paper“They regret.
In spite Documentation and not by the Border Brigade of Las Palmas “.
Keys of Order int 859/2023
In July 2023 there was a reform in the structure of the territorial services of the National Police that ended with the foreigner and documentation units (UED)as conceived until that moment. To understand each other, these units were dealing with the issuance of the DNI, passports, Tie de foreigners, as well as other foreigners. However, from that date there is a unfolding that, in theory, would fully affect the templates.
As explained from the Spanish Police Confederation (CEP), on the one hand the documentation units are created, which become dependent on the upper headquarters and are responsible for only of the work of that area (DNI, passports and tie). And on the other, foreign units are established, which depend on the General Police Station of Aliens and Borders and whose mission focuses only and exclusively on that police.
On the other hand, it introduced a series of organic modifications, including the description, in greater detail, of the joint police stations, the police and customs cooperation centers and the police cooperation centers, previously gathered under the name of cooperation units Police in police and customs cooperation centers.
In the previous wording of this ministerial order (art.23) these police cooperation units were defined as the “destined to develop, In the border area, police cooperation with those states with which Spain shares common border in accordance with the provisions of the corresponding international agreements or agreements. Police cooperation centers have a police station, will be integrated into its organic structure. In the other cases, they will be part of the structure of the respective provincial police station. “ Hendaya/Irún, attached to the Provincial Police Station of Guipúzcoa.
Now, as explained from the CEP, after the entry into force of the order int 859/2023, the organic definition and integration in templates of the CCPA and CCP (art.24) is maintained, although it is nuanced that “the cooperation centers Police and Customs are integrated into the structure of the joint police station, and Its operation is governed by its own regulations” In its Annex IV it appears, in the list of joint police stations and CCPA with France, that of Hendaya/Irún, framed at the local police station of Irún (Guipúzcoa).