He has spent his entire life “working like a beast” and with an existential goal: “never say no to anything and enjoy what I have at hand.” A way of living that has won Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada (Madrid, 1960) unquestionable professional success and countless experiences, which he now reveals in “Everything for a Plan”, his latest book. When he picks up the phone to chat about this hilarious and honest editorial relief with La Esfera de los Libros, his first sentences already portray what awaits us: «You catch me with a rag in my hand and looking for a liquid, Cris. Since I don’t know how to cook, I love to clean. It’s like my yoga. I don’t want to know anything about the other one. The other yoga is for people who only look at themselves. They are there all the time, I’m fine, I’m sick, I breathe… All day trying to find each other. Then do something! What was said. Pure Agatha. A woman who always responds with “of course” and “right now.”
He starts his book by pointing out that the best way to avoid arguments in a marriage is to always have people at home. But that, in the end, didn’t work for him either…
In the short term it is colossal. Having a guest avoids arguments. There you cut yourself. You are thinking about him and giving him topics of conversation.
He also recognizes that his children “have had such well-known parents.” Do Tristán and Cosima agree?
They are very smart and recognize that it has suited them like a shot. They have had too much focus, they compare themselves to us and decide that the best thing is to do nothing to avoid competing. That is a brutal mistake.
In the chapter that she dedicates to her friends, she confesses that she has been very dependent on them. How do you handle that?
Now I am getting a new apartment and I have two rooms to live with my friends. The bad thing is that they don’t eat anything or know how to cook. Being with friends is the best thing that can happen to you. Friends save you. When things are going well for you, when you have a partner, you forget about them, but when you are bad, the only ones who console you are them.
She openly recognizes that television was a means to make money when she separated and when the crisis in her stores began. Is the Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada brand in danger?
I am lucky that I am many years old and that I am almost the only well-known designer in Spain, if things go badly for me it must mean things go badly for everyone else, I work a lot and I do relatively well, but the world of textile is very difficult. There are two or three who nail it, as is the case of Amancio Ortega. When I separate I have to pay the girl, the porter and that’s why I say yes to things on television that I would have rejected before.
Since when do you order leftovers for your dogs at restaurants?
I have many dogs and it bothers me a lot that they throw away food, even that they can’t give me food from the other tables. There should be an NGO that could collect it but the state prefers that they starve. And Health doesn’t stop either.
Highlights the importance of good education. Is there much or little?
There is very little education and well-educated people are not valued at all. The children are not well educated. I went with my mother to many plans with older people and listened. Now those children are not interested, they find it horrible to listen to an older man.
And she assures that she takes less care of herself than other famous people. How do you know?
Damn, because I work more than them! I waste a lot of time taking care of myself. It’s a lot of hours and money. The time you waste is tremendous.
In the chapter about his incredible plans, he talks about the three royal weddings and the Rose Ball in Monaco, among others. Where have you seen more love?
What I liked about the Infantas’ first wedding was the love of Seville, because they all dressed as if they had been invited. It was wonderful. The other two were complicated, in Barcelona, with the atmosphere there was, and the one in Madrid, with the rain and after the attacks, was sad.
He recognizes that “being with a guy is a good plan” and about his partner, José Manuel, he highlights that he likes it to be from the countryside…
My boyfriend is like a tiger against the book. He tells me: “At least tell me that I’m a good lawyer” (laughs). I like José Manuel because he is very handsome. I have never had a boyfriend so handsome and he knows a lot. I’m very lucky with him, really.
And the ring for when?
The wedding plan is a bad plan, tomorrow I separate from José Manuel and at most I have to return a pair of pants. If you get married you already have to go to the lawyer, and the hatred begins. Get married, unless you marry Carlos Slim… That is a good love and a good plan.