AEMET is forced to activate the orange alert due to torrential rains and intense storms in these areas

This week, a lot of instability is expected in several areas of Spain, according to data from AEMET. During the first few days, Several troughs will cross the Peninsula from west to east, bringing with it Intense and frequent showers and storms.. Starting Thursday, there is a possibility that a DANA (Isolated Depression at High Levels) moves from the north, staying over the Peninsula for several days. This scenario, combined with the strong daytime warming of the soil and the high temperatures of the Mediterranean Sea, could trigger intense storms.

Areas on alert for showers and storms this Monday

For now, Aragon, Castile and Leon, Navarre and La Rioja are on orange alert this Monday for rain and storms with hail and wind, with accumulations that could reach up to 30 liters per square meter, while in another eight communities the warnings are yellow. The State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) indicates that today, from 12:00 hoursmuch of the eastern half of Spain will activate alerts for these adverse weather conditions. Yellow alerts for rain and storms will affect Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha, Catalonia, Madrid, Murcia, the Basque Country and the Valencian Community. He will do it too Balearicsonly due to rain.

In Balearicsrainfall will be intense, with Mallorca facing possible accumulations of up to 30 litres per square metre in one hour. In addition, showers with thunderstorms could leave between 40 and 50 litres per square metre in less than two hours on this island, while in Ibiza and Formentera the rains could accumulate 25 litres per square metre in one hour. On the peninsula, up to 30 litres per square metre are expected in areas of Aragon such as Albarracín, Jiloca, Gúdar and Maestrazgo (Teruel). Also, in the Iberian Peninsula in the areas of Burgos, Soria and La Rioja and in the Ribera del Ebro also in the Navarre; Likewise, these amounts of rain will accumulate in the Huesca Pyrenees or in Cinco Villas (Zaragoza).

In Cataloniaareas such as the pre-Pyrenees of Barcelona, ​​the Pyrenees of Girona and Lleida, and the Aran Valley could register up to 20 liters per square meter in one hour. Also in the Valencian Communityrainfall is expected on the coast of Alicante and inland Castellón. In Castilla y León, between 15 and 20 litres per square metre will be collected extensively in several provinces, and up to 15 litres per square metre in one hour may also be recorded in Castile-La Manchain provinces such as Albacete, Cuenca or Guadalajara. In the mountains of MadrThe accumulations will be 15 liters per square meter in one hour. The province of Alava and the plateau of Murcia will also face similar backlogs.

Where is it going to rain in the next few days?

He Tuesday, Storms will once again affect the northeast of Spain, impacting especially in Aragon, Navarra and the northern half of the Valencian CommunityMeteored reports. For Wednesday, an increase in instability is expected, with storms that could spread throughout the Mediterranean area. On this day, the showers could be particularly intense in Aragon, Catalonia, Valencian Community and the Balearic Islands.

Week with cool temperatures

As for the thermometers, the maximum temperatures will decrease in the northwest third and the eastern Mediterranean area of ​​the peninsula, increasing in the center and northeast interior and the Canary Islands. However, the AEMET stresses that “it is likely that 36 degrees will be reached again in the Guadalquivir”, although the minimum temperatures will decrease in the northwest and southwest. For its part, Meteored indicates that during the week the Temperatures will be below normal, with anomalies ranging between -1 and -3 ºC in the north, west and central areas. On the northern plateau, the Deviations could reach up to -6 ºCHowever, on the Mediterranean coast a warmer environment is expected, with temperatures above normal, reaching anomalies of between +1 and +3 ºC.