It was just a matter of time, but we still hoped it wouldn’t be so abundant. Spam calls, from companies, services and others, became a plague and soon, when they had our phone number, the WhatsApp messages started. And always from unknown numbers. The problem is that no matter if we decide to block the contact, another number always appears that sends the same message. Now WhatsApp would allow us to avoid this.
The idea is simple, in the latest update available for users of the beta version of WhatsApp for Android, it can be seen that the application is working on a function to block messages from unknown accounts. This function would allow to automatically block incoming messages from unknown accounts if they exceeded a certain volume, protecting us from unwanted or potentially harmful communications.
As you can see in the screenshot, you can explore the new security feature to block large volumes of unknown messages directly within the app settings. To enable this option, you need to go to Privacy settings in the Advanced sectionwhere the new option to block messages from unknown accounts is available.
Once enabled, this feature will automatically block messages from unknown accounts if they are found to have been sent multiple times, giving users better protection against unwanted communications.
It’s important to note that this feature does not block all unknown messages when enabled. Instead, it specifically targets accounts that send an unusually large amount of messages in a short period. This Ensures that users continue to receive important messages from unknown contactswhile protecting your device’s performance by preventing spam overload.
The algorithm will track message rates from unknown accounts and will automatically lift the block when the message volume returns to normal. As a result, users do not permanently block all unknown contacts, but only those who engage in suspicious activities.
The interesting thing is that The app itself would recommend the user to enable this feature. if you detect that you are receiving a significant amount of messages from unknown accounts, which helps protect you against potential spam or phishing attempts.