He green color is characteristic of WhatsApp since its launch in 2009 and is as identified with the app as Coca-Cola is with the color red, for example. WhatsApp has never changed its brand color scheme, but it's not uncommon to occasionally see news about a WhatsApp red, purple, blue, pink or, lately, beige. They are the same WhatsApp as always, but with the particularity, attractive for many users who have been seeing the same icon on their mobile screen for 15 years, of being presented under a different color that gives it a bit of freshness.
The way to achieve this is simple, using an application like launcher whether it is an Android smartphone or with the function Shortcuts if it is an iPhone. In the first case, a launcher adds an alternative interface to mobile with which the user can control the home screen and various aspects of the way the device is interacted with.
Launchers can vary in terms of features and capabilities, but generally offer options for customize the design, change the wallpaper, add or remove widgets, organize applications in folders and adjust other visual and functional aspects of the device interface. Most manufacturers use their own launcher with which they personalize their phones on Google's Android and it helps to distinguish them from the competition. There are also third-party launchers, among which the best known is Nova Launcherwhich has more than 50 million downloads on Google Play.
How to have a WhatsApp of another color on Android
Among other functions, Nova Launcher allows change the application icon on your mobile and replace it with any image you want. In the case of WhatsApp, by an app icon of a different color or, if you prefer, by something completely different. You must follow these steps:
- Install Nova Launcher on your mobile Android.
- Search and download the image you are going to use. There is no shortage of WhatsApp examples on the Internet in all colors.
- Hold down WhatsApp icon on the home screen to display a pop-up menu.
- Click on the icon pencil to edit it and select the image with which you want to replace the classic WhatsApp logo.
How to change the WhatsApp icon on an iPhone
The iOS operating system allows this type of modification to be carried out without the need for external applications, with the function Shortcuts. Follow these steps:
- Search and download on your mobile the image that you are going to use to replace the WhatsApp icon.
- Opens Shortcuts and create a new one by adding the action Open app.
- Tap on app and select WhatsApp.
- Click on Open app and then in Rename to leave the shortcut name in WhatsApp only. In the same pop-up menu, choose Select icon to add the one you want to use.
- Tap on the button Share and then in Add to home screen and confirm the action.