What words do the least intelligent people repeat? What artificial intelligence says

The Artificial intelligence (AI) tends to classify the information it collects from the web and, with this, different reports and analyzes are usually prepared about people’s uses and customs. In a recent search with this type of tool offered by Google The words that those individuals with a low IQ repeat the most were defined.

Intelligence in a person is measured by different factors, such as the educational level, the socioeconomic context and other aspects that make up their training from childhood. Hence, their communication with the rest of society is often limited or unable to understand conversations composed with complex vocabulary, or that are linked to a professional academic field.

Besides, thanks to customs and popular usesome of them tend to be reproduced and installed in the community and for this reason they generate a displacement of other words that are understood as correct.

What are the four words that the least intelligent people repeat, according to AI

  • Brilliant: This expression is used to qualify situations without providing significant value or justification, which shows poor development of critical thinking.
  • Simply: It is used to minimize the complexity of an issue, which can show a reductionist vision.
  • Obvious: It implies that something is evident to everyone, although in reality it can hide a lack of in-depth analysis of a particular situation.
  • Basically: This term is often used to simplify complex explanations, but in many cases it reflects a lack of detailed knowledge about a topic in question.

It is important to clarify that the application of these words does not imply that a person has more or less intelligence. However, the repetition of them could indicate an intention to avoid explanations and more complex concepts.

In relation to this, the then director of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), Darío Villanueva, said in 2015 that currently and with the coexistence of communication on social networks, language tends to be distorted. For this reason, the customs of specific expressions and words leads to a common and popular use of these, often without their correct application.

Without further ado, he pointed out that this is not a problemsince it is an issue that is linked to current technology. Likewise, emphasized the use of the dictionary so that the messages are clear and specific, in order to ensure understanding of the message.

These are the four words used by people with the highest IQ, according to Artificial Intelligence

The Spanish language is made up of a wide repertoire of words that have the correct meaning for what they are trying to communicate. However, according to Google’s AI, called Gemini, there are four words that people with a higher level of intelligence usually use in their daily conversations. These are:

1. Accurate: This term is associated with “exact, unambiguous language,” according to Gemini. The use of this word is related to clarity when communicating, without leaving any loose ends or double interpretations.

2. Varied: This word suggests a great breadth of vocabulary and has the ability to adapt to various topics and contexts to give you a different perspective.

3. Logical: associated with coherent reasoning, ideas that are well connected and structured in such a way that reflect a rational thought.

4. Complex: This word is used for the use of more elaborate linguistic concepts and structures, which results in deep and analytical thinking.

To close with this exhibition, Google’s artificial intelligence clarified: “Using these words does not guarantee intelligence, and many intelligent people may not use them frequently.”