What is the “Pink Full Moon” and why is it called that?

The month of April has been marked by astronomical events that Puerto Ricans have been able to enjoy, the most recent being partial solar eclipse on April 8. On this occasion, a Moon full will adorn the sky of the archipelago on the night of Tuesday, April 23.

However, it will not be just any phase of the lunar cycle, since in the astronomical calendar it is called the “Pink Full Moon.” Her nickname, far from being related to the color pink, dates back to a centuries-old Native American tradition.

“It will not look pink, but, by tradition, it is known that way because it coincides with the time when a plant called moss rose usually blooms in North America.”he noted, via telephone, Eddie Irizarry Roblespresident of scientific dissemination of the Caribbean Astronomy Society (SAC).

Irizarry Robles explained that the moss rose is a common plant on the east coast of the North American nation and usually blooms during this time, specifically for the month of April.