OTT messaging applications would become essential for companies looking for an effective conversational marketing strategy. Since they offer endless possibilities aimed at interaction with customer communities, guaranteeing an instant and personalized experience. Thus, becoming a vital means of communication in recent years.
Hence, it is said that OTT messaging will continue to dominate conversational commerce in the coming years. This according to experts at Juniper Research, who affirm that their contribution to conversational commerce will grow to 53% in 2024. A report that reflects the growing importance of instant messaging applications within the business landscape.
Exploring OTT messaging platforms
When we talk about OTT messaging, we mean any tool or application that does not depend on telephone networks conventional, but rather from the Internet. Hence its name means “over-the-top”, as a way of saying that they do not depend on them or even surpass them. At the same time, referring to how they revolutionized the way we communicate.
This is because these applications work exactly the same as instant messaging services. However, they do not require additional data beyond our Internet connection, guaranteeing that the message will immediately reach its recipient. Something that forever transformed the communication industry, allowing us not only to send texts but even complete files without additional charges.
Differences between OTT and conventional messaging
It is a secret to no one that text message usage decreases constantly over time. To the point that some find it annoying, when they can do it through apps like WhatsApp. Not only are they more comfortable, but they offer many advantages. Like the fact that they are not limited to a number of characters or can even send multimedia content without restrictions.
It is because of these differences, in addition to the fact that they do not necessarily have to be restricted by a telephone number, that OTT messaging applications have managed to become the primary means of communication, above SMS. Relegating text messages almost exclusively for emergency cases, in which for some reason we do not have access to data or the Internet.
A look at the many options available
In this point, Surely a couple of applications come to mind that reign in this sector, as is the case of WhatsApp; whose closest competitors are Facebook Messenger or Telegram. Such applications not only surpass conventional messaging, but also offer additional features. For example, the integration of chat groups, news channels, statuses, and a wide variety of emojis and stickers to express ourselves better.
To these are added other alternatives, such as Snapchat, being another of the most popular applications, although this varies depending on the region. Also, we find options such as Line, Instagram Messaging, WeChat and even Google services,all with their own messaging platforms. As well as their own unique approaches to approaching the sector.
OTT Messaging Apps Boost Conversational Commerce
The importance of messaging applications in the field of commerce is undeniable, allowing large companies and retail businesses to communicate with their customers. As we mentioned before,Juniper Research assured that this contribution to conversational commerce would reach 54% in 2024. Not to mention that it will be projected until mid-2028, where it is expected to decrease to 45%.
Added to this is the growing adoption of AI in the field of conversational commerce. In this sense, leading some businesses to implement their own customer service, technical support or content distribution bots. In this way, providing media rich in audiovisual content, detailed information, product catalogs, locations and more.
While OTT messaging services require a specific app to be used, today It is normal for everyone to have at least one on their devices. Ensuring that brands have at their disposal a robust means to offer to provide interactive commerce experience to their customers. Now to share recommendations, resolve doubts, queries, and even facilitate transactions and purchases.