The diverticulitis is a condition of the large intestine that can cause inflammation, severe abdominal pain and other unpleasant symptoms. This disease occurs when small pouches or sacs called diverticula form in the wall of the colon, and these become inflamed or infected.
Diverticula are common, especially as we age, and most people who have them do not experience any symptoms. However, in some cases, diverticula can become inflamed or infected, leading to diverticulitis.
Causes and symptoms
The exact causes of diverticulitis are not fully understood, but it is believed that factors such as genetics, low-fiber diet, chronic constipation and aging can increase the risk of developing the disease.
Symptoms of diverticulitis can range from mild to severe and include abdominal pain on the left side, tenderness to touch in the abdomen, fever, nausea, vomiting, changes in bowel habits, and blood in the stool.
The diagnosis of the diverticulitis It is usually done by combining the patient's medical history, a physical examination, and tests such as blood tests, computed tomography (CT), or colonoscopy.
Treatment of diverticulitis may include dietary changes, such as increasing fiber intake, and medications such as antibiotics to treat the infection. In more severe or recurrent cases, surgical procedures may be necessary to remove inflamed or damaged diverticula.
It is important to closely monitor diverticulitis and seek medical attention if you experience symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, high fever, or rectal bleeding, as these may be signs of serious complications that require urgent treatment.
Ultimately, the diverticulitis It is a disease of the intestine that can cause serious symptoms and requires appropriate medical attention. Maintaining a healthy diet and regularly seeing a doctor can help prevent and manage this condition effectively.