What are they and why are they so dangerous?

The waves on most beaches in Spain, especially those facing the Mediterranean Sea, usually reach the coast in a rather reduced state. and do not pose any danger if precautions are taken. However, carelessness or failure to heed safety instructions (such as yellow or red flags) end up causing hundreds of fatal accidents each year that could have been avoided.

In our country, last year alone, there were 422 deaths due to unintentional drowning.More than half of them occurred on beaches or near-coastal environments, and mainly when the surveillance devices or personnel ensuring security were not in operation. Unfortunately, in that month of June 2024 alone, 61 deaths by drowning have occurred..

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Even if the sea seems calm, there are times when, out of nowhere, a huge wave arrives with great inertia, which can cause serious damage. and health risks to bathers or boaters who may have been caught off guard. This is the case of the so-called ‘ghost waves’, an evil that several experts are already warning about. and if not avoided, can have serious consequences.

What are ‘ghost waves’ and how do they occur?

This type of waves has received this name because, Like the ghostly beings made of ‘ectoplasm’ from legends, it appears out of nowhere and is capable of taking the lives of its victims in a second.. Furthermore, it can occur both in coastal areas and on the high seas, so no one is immune to the risk.

Big wave PIXABAY

‘Ghost waves’ occur when between two perfectly normal and not dangerous waves, a giant and very strong current occurs, with an exaggerated drag capacity and inertia.The main danger of ‘ghost waves’ is that you can hardly sense their arrival until they are breaking or are immediately in front of you.

Other large waves can also be dangerous, but since they can be observed from afar and their approach can be warned of, the risk they pose is infinitely less.As explained by survival and citizen security expert Miguel Assal, better known on social media as @miguelassal, ‘Ghost waves’ can be a major hazard, especially in cliff areas.

As the most famous emergency technician on the internet tells it, ‘ghost waves’, also known asor ‘series of errant waves’, can make you go from “a relaxing day” to “fighting to survive” in an instant.Miguel Assal advised “never to trust a calm sea in cliff areas.”

Any type of strong mass of water that appears suddenly and unexpectedly can pose a mortal danger.If you do not act in time and do not manage to get out of the water before the rapid currents engulf you, you are very likely to lose your life. The expert then advises that “wherever you are and even if it is very calm, always have an emergency exit plan ready,” and concluded “those who prepare themselves, are saved; those who are confident, sometimes cannot tell the tale.”

Tips from 112 to avoid drowning

The emergency services have been forced to launch a series of Important recommendations due to the worrying number of drownings that are occurring in Spain in recent years.

  • Bathe only in permitted and supervised areas. If you are on a beach, be aware of flags and warning signs indicating sea conditions.
  • Minors must always be accompanied. It is important for children who cannot swim well to wear flotation aids, such as floats or arm bands.
  • Adults must also protect themselves. The most important thing is to avoid negligent behavior that could put safety at risk. If we suffer from a medical condition, such as epilepsy, it is important to have someone informed and attentive by our side.

From SUMMA 112 they also remember the importance of refrain from consuming alcohol or other drugs before or during bathingModeration and prudence can save our lives.