Use this trick on WhatsApp to recover the photos of “see only once”: know it before they take it off

Today there is no single smartphone in Spain that does not have installed in its application repertoire WhatsApp appsince, it has already become an essential part in our lives. In fact, In the route of our routine its use occupies one of the most representative time spaces of the day. For anyone who wants to leave doubts, because he does not trust that statement, there he has the proof of truth in his adjustments. Well, you can check when you enter the digital health of your phone the hours you have spent using this application. Although the figure will probably surprise him.

However, if for something WhatsApp has managed to last over time, unlike other online messaging services, it is because of its ability to reinvent and adapt to new trends. While other social networks have had their boom and their corresponding fall, the goal application has established itself in the top popularity positions, from the beginning to the present. The ability to carry out a communication benefit with a simple but intuitive design and with remarkable accessibility has been the main engine of its triumph. But, nevertheless, new functions have been implemented over the years.

Since in August 2021 the function of sending images was implemented by the famous “see once”, this variable has been replicated by several networks outside the finish line. Although the digital world lives in a constant ideas feedback system among the different media, so this event should not impact us. But without a doubt this functionality has had a noticeable effect among users. However, its job presents a problem that leaves issues to duty, since, it does not allow the minimum human failure in the event that we are wrong. The photos cannot be recovered, or yes?

With this trick you can recover the photos of “see once”

For those who are not aware of all the conditions of this alternative to the traditional method, the application allows you to send to your contacts the image you want to visualize it in a finite period of time. Once this ends you will not be able to see it again and will be immediately destroyed. In addition, it does not allow screen capture on many devices so we can only see it again if we are sent again. Nevertheless, In the starting process it is possible that this file is saved momentarily in a reserve that the mobile retains for digital storage.

Indeed, the trick we bring today finds its reason for being in the famous “backup.” If at the time of sending the image we make a copy of this style is kept in the cloud the conversations and files that we have written and shared all our contacts to date. To do this you have to go to “adjustments” and select “storage” and “administration.” Once at this point it opens the conversation where the image you want to recover and orders the archives in a matter of the “most recent”. In this way you can see the image again until the system makes another backup.

Does this method always work or can it fail?

It all depends on the data in cache and when they are updated. The application itself stores this type of files that can be temporarily visualized in the phone cache. At the same time, It is possible that the backup includes it within its capacity as long as it is carried out at the exact moment. The problem comes when the cache data is deleted before the backup, since this method will not be valid. In addition, the device settings also influence because some have a more restrictive character.