It is hard to let go of old habits, old friendships that have gone bad, relationships that have ended and lead nowhere… “Man is a creature of habit” as Dickens would say in a moment of lucidity. This is what is happening to many people, who They reject the new imposed shape of plastic bottle capsbut they are unaware of its reason for being.
And it is that,When we have become accustomed to something, it is very difficult to change our minds.Although logic often tries to oppose custom, habit is not always based on merely rational motives, but rather on sentimental ones, and it is very difficult to fight against this.
Hirokazu Kanazawa, one of the greatest Japanese masters of recent times (who passed away in 2019), always had a great motto that was very useful for his students, but that can be applied in other areas of life: “It is harder to correct than to learn”When a person has already assimilated a certain way of proceeding, it is more difficult for him to make changes to it than to use a completely different formula.
This week, Law 7/2022 on “waste and contaminated soils” promoted by the European Union has already come into force, which is why there have been concerns for some time new plastic bottle caps that are glued to the same.
Why have the caps on the containers changed?
This same Wednesday, July 3rd, “Law 7/2022, of April 8, on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy” has finally come into forcewhich was published in the BOE more than two years ago, but had not become effective until now.
This regulation has been proposed and adopted by the 27 countries of the European Union. with the aim that bottle caps do not end up polluting beaches and coasts, as well as other terrestrial ecosystems. This is also intended to: reduce the amount of single-use plastics on the market and improve the productivity of recycling processes for this type of materials.
Through state intervention in basic waste legislation, the aim is to contribute to the fight against climate change and protect the marine environment. This action is part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the 2030 AgendaSpecifically, to SDG 12 (sustainable production and consumption), 13 (climate action) and 14 (submarine life).
The so-called “circular economy” according to the EU, aims to extend the life cycle of consumer products. This involves sharing, renting, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products whenever possible. to supposedly “create added value”as defined by the European Parliament.
Other “unpleasant changes” to polluting packaging
In order to adapt to the new European requirements for waste reduction and the fight against climate change, over the last decade the consumer society has witnessed changes that, although small, were initially annoying to many people.
This is the case of the elimination of plastic straws in favor of cardboard paper tubeswhich is why many people protested Derisively calling them “toilet paper”but to which most consumers have already become accustomed.
Another significant case was when plastic bags in supermarkets were replaced by ones made from potato starch or other more easily biodegradable materials. The change, in addition to not being well assimilated, was inefficient.since many of these bags broke easily, and it was not unusual to see many customers buying two instead of one to reinforce them.
The new caps that are inseparable from plastic containers, which From now on they will be mandatory for bottles and cartons of less than three litersare just a new modification in consumer habits, although they serve a good purpose.
Many people have complained that it is somewhat uncomfortable because it sometimes rubs their nose or face while they are drinking. straight from the bottle. But companies have been “getting their act together” since the regulations were announced in 2022 for to dispose of all stock with “old-fashioned plugs” and thus fully accommodate this new type of less polluting packaging.
It seems then, It is not a measure that will be reversed, so we will have to get used to it..