The housewives who have not contributed or have done so insufficiently to access a contributory pension, may opt for a non-contributory pension retirement. Even if they have not worked formally, the State offers them options so that they are not left without financial support in their old age.
What pension can housewives receive?
Non-contributory pension
The non-contributory pension The retirement benefit is aimed at those who have not met the requirements to obtain a contributory pension. This benefit is managed by the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services (Imserso) and the autonomous communities.
The requirements to access this benefit are:
- Minimum age 65 years.
- Residence in Spain for at least 10 years, two of them consecutive and immediately preceding the application.
- Annual income less than 6,784.54 euros in 2023.
If you live with family members, the maximum income allowed is adjusted according to the number of cohabitants:
- 2 cohabitants: 11,533.72 euros.
- 3 cohabitants: 16,282.90 euros.
- 4 or more cohabitants: 21,032.08 euros.
The amount of the non-contributory pension is from 7,250.60 euros per year in 2023, which translates into 517.90 euros per month distributed in 12 monthly payments plus two extra payments in June and November.
Contributory retirement pension
In the case of housewives who have paid contributions, even if only partially, they can access a contributory retirement pension. To do so, they must have contributed at least 15 years in any of the regimes of the Social securityThis type of pension is available to those who have worked for pay while combining household chores.
The amount of contributory pension It is calculated based on the contributions accumulated throughout the working life. The regulatory base, which normally coincides with the worker’s salary, is used to determine the pension. For the first 15 years of contributionsa is applied 50% of the regulatory baseFrom year 16, the amount gradually increases based on the additional months of contributions.
In short, housewives have the option of applying for a non-contributory pension if they have not paid contributions, or a contributory pension if they have combined their domestic work with paid work.