These are the people who are going to be left without an Internet connection in a few days due to the disappearance of this network from Spain

Telefónica has been working in recent months to close its retail services that operate over its copper network coverage, with the aim of focusing solely on fiber. Thus, ADSL is going to disappear imminently. The closure of this technology, therefore, will mean that many people in Spain will be left without an Internet connection due to its extinction.

The ADSL It is a data transmission technology that allows connection to the Internet through the traditional telephone line. It uses the existing telephone network infrastructure to provide Internet connection. It does not require additional cables or significant changes to the telecommunications infrastructure.

According to the latest information available from the INE for the year 2020, 86.4% of Spanish homes had Internet access. This shows a gradual increase in Internet adoption in Spanish homes over the years, reflecting the growing importance of the Internet in everyday life and in various aspects of society, such as work, education, entertainment and communications.

End of ADSL: this is the date on which thousands of homes in Spain will be left without an Internet connection

In addition, ADSL service provides a popular and widely used way to access the Internet using the existing telephone network infrastructure. So far, it remains a viable option in areas where these technologies are unavailable or prohibitively expensive, but this option will cease to exist starting in mid-April.

It will be specifically on Friday, April 19, when the ADSL closure occurs. In this way, the network that It has been operating in Spain for more than one hundred years will say goodbye Its progressive closure has been a constant process since 2016, when Movistar closed the first two in Sant Cugat del Vallès and Torrelodones.

As BandaAncha explains, It is estimated that 10% of homes still use ADSL technology. These will only be able to access the Internet through the emulation of the mobile network on the fixed network. Although Telefónica has been warning its customers for some time about the need to switch to fiber, it is expected that 1 in 10 copper lines will not be able to do so and will have to rely on emulation.